Sonntag, 23. November 2008

Rolling down hills, disability the beauty of dew and resting.

Much like the morning dew, I fade simply by the passing of the day. That’s a nice image of disability isn’t it? That we are not simply CFS/ME, or Firbro, or Fatigue, but our energized beauty is something to catch, to be grateful to see, like the morning dew. The dew is there, and then, later it is not. Similarly, when is the actual moment when the mind fog rolls in, or the body grows heavier; impossible to pinpoint (No, not on drugs, why do you ask?).

Of course, if you are like a kid and run around with your arms out screaming and laughing and going in circles and then flop down suddenly going, “I’m tired!” Then it isn’t QUITE so mysterious. I miss that, I used to do that a lot as an adult, or roll down hills. As a teacher I used to take my class outside (the rolling down the hill was entirely voluntary!). Once a friend of mine was stopped and asked what they were doing, “Rolling down the hill, it’s fun!” was the reply.

“Move it along!” said the police officer. (There is something going on, people don’t just roll down hills as adults while laughing without SOME drug involved! Or so says police thinking.)

Ah, sorry, I tend to wander because I haven’t slept much for a couple days. I was more of the screaming and running full tilt to get some things done, so me tired not so mysterious. See, I have, with the assistance of Linda and the gracious services of Cheryl (who couldn’t join us until today sadly). Finished 21 more packages and MANY postcards. I would like to say about 45 or so, but I don’t know for certain. But I did it and before the Thanksgiving slowdown. I just finished, they are on the way to the postbox so ha! So there! Anyway, I am resting now and will be back with a full blog tonight. Linda is feeding me. She has control because right now I am just sort of staring into space with blue fingers and going, “hehe….got them done….hehe…..did the stickers on them too…hehe….”

Oh, time to sleep?


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