Freitag, 11. Juni 2010

Sick, sick, gotta get better

Really, really sick. Sicker every day. Have written blog but no pictures, or time to post, same with kitty pictures. All that is eaten or drunk comes back, problematic, overheated and in shock, covered in Goosebumps, freezing/burning up, completely covered, arms and chest in purple mottling, heart to erratic to do anything but moan. An hour or two a day it releases then back in the bathroom, passing out dozens of times, fell, injured legs and wrist, hard to keep upright on toilet, need a strap across my ribs to keep me on, pulled muscles under ribs. Too weak, no ability for heat or cold. Am below sustainable survival, must lie there and try different things until one works. For a week now, food hasn’t be absorbed, now liquids as well. Thank you for all who helped with the comforts, they are all I hold on to, from the cold packs, to DVD’s to watch, arm bands for my freezing arms and burning body. In the small hours, in the days that pass to the sound of booming construction, these matter.

Saw a peacock crossing the road today, male in full plumage taking his sweet time. Only in Victoria do peacocks act like all other pedestrians.

Linda may be reading things to me for a while, emails, letters and such. I need to breathe. The DVD's do help. I don't know the day, or the year, I've forgotten everything, I hope it is the fever. Not at 40% not at 30%, was at 20% until tonight, more exhaustion and bathroom time, heart erratics in the extreme, pain, hours pass.

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