Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2008

Scripting made easy

Today I've got something that will probably be of interest for all the creative minds out there, that can create amazing objects, but have a bit of trouble understanding LSL or simply have never tried it and don't know where to start. Autoscript is a script generator for Second Life created by Hilary Mason (Ann Enigma in SL) from Johnson and Wales University. You choose what you want your object to do and when it should happen. The generator will then create the script for you and tell you if there are more actions you need to take to make the script work (for example put your notecard into the object's contents). This way you can add some interactivity to your creations and learn the basics of scripting in LSL at the same time. Very easy, very intuitive and surely a great help for scripting newbies :) If you like the tool, don't forget to tell the author and maybe leave a suggestion for a new feature on her blog.

Dienstag, 29. Januar 2008

I did it!

I defended my thesis today! The thesis, as some of you probably remember, was about Second Life and it really brought lots of good things to me. The title in English would be: Using the virtual world of Second Life in companies and institutions' activities. I'm quite proud of how it turned out, I proved my points and also learned a lot about the business aspect of Second Life (even though I thought I knew it all before ;))). I'm very happy and hopefully will have more time for everything now, including blogging. As I know I'll be receiving my MSc diploma very soon, it's quite scary I'm not a student anymore. On the other hand, I've got so many goals set, and so many projects going on, that I don't think my life could get boring anyway. I'll miss the classes (but not the essays, the exams and all that jazz) but I feel I can really focus on what I want to do now. Yay!

I defended my thesis!

Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2008

SL'ang Life No. 1 - a sneak peak! [UPDATE]

[UPDATE: March 29, 2010] I removed all SL'ang Life links - they don't lead to SL'ang Life website anymore (since it doesn't exist), but to one you wouldn't want to go to ;)

My copy of SL'ang Life magazine arrived yesterday, so I thought I'd post a sneak-peak photo for those of you who are still waiting for the delivery. Since you already know the cover, I'm posting a picture from the inside. It's actually one of my articles (surprise surprise ;)).

SL'ang Life No. 1 - a sneak peak!

I'm very happy with the magazine and I hope you all will be too. Expect your copy soon, and those who haven't subscribed yet, you know what to do, it's free!

If you have comments on the articles or would like to ask some questions, just recently we opened a forum where you can do that or simply just come to chat.

And don't forget to let us know what you like about the magazine!
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