There's an old Second Life proverb saying: If you can kiss a Linden, you will have good luck all year. Nah, I'm joking, but it's a nice one, don't you think? :) If you choose to believe it though (who said you can't?) rush to the Isle Of View and kiss one (or more Lindens!) and celebrate Valentine's Day 2008. I've been there, I've kissed them and I'm telling you: it's fun :D

I got to kiss Jeremy Linden who works on Knowledge Base and I kissed Socrates Linden who is a liaison and a member of the gov team. I even got to meet Cupid Linden - a cute little love Linden :) He was sweet, gave me some Valentine goodies and we took a picture together.

The Lindens will be back at the island at 5PM, so you still got a chance to kiss one and win some luck :)
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
PS. To those who doesn't know why the island name is Isle Of View. Read it aloud :) Hey, did I hear I love you?
I got to kiss Jeremy Linden who works on Knowledge Base and I kissed Socrates Linden who is a liaison and a member of the gov team. I even got to meet Cupid Linden - a cute little love Linden :) He was sweet, gave me some Valentine goodies and we took a picture together.
The Lindens will be back at the island at 5PM, so you still got a chance to kiss one and win some luck :)
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
PS. To those who doesn't know why the island name is Isle Of View. Read it aloud :) Hey, did I hear I love you?