She sent me a present. I start to unwrap it and this is what I see….

No. No! Seriously, this is some sort of sick cosmic irony! I mean I know parents are bad at gifts when you are a teen usually but……
I unwrap the rest and find, THANK GOD! It is NOT that pink poofy head band, no, it is pink, poofy, fu-fu, over the top Hello Kitty Bling pack for little girls.

Sigh. So the part where I am sort of getting into Hello Kitty since I have a Hello Kitty Vibrator and some Hello Kitty Goth Lolita stuff has sunk in; but not that I like the subversive stuff. This is the stuff that made me HATE hello kitty, until I started finding Hello Kitty punk stationary and the like. I mean, one of the stickers I send out is Hello Kitty as a Vegas Girl with headdress! I almost feel bad, my mother probably had to knock over a few children to buy this. Where DID she buy it? Actually, not thinking about that. This will make a great present for a girl or femme boy, niece, nephew, daughter son, please drop me a line. While I sort of appreciate the thought, it means that a) I need to take over my Hello Kitty stuff with skulls and anarchy symbols to my mom and show her difference between that and faux pearls and b) she wanted to give this to some innocent girl, it is just that isn’t me. And while I am not going to play pretend anymore it doesn't mean that there aren’t innocent girls or boys out there who would love this for sleepover or dress up. So email me?
Other than that I have arrived to the end of Day 18, I am a road kill. Tomorrow I get an assisted shower and then will be in bed. Seriously. Today I slept and slept. I have nightmares but still sleep. Yesterday, the same woman who told me to get an 18 inch wide chair because I could do the “woman squish” against the hip/clothing guards; who gave me a 17 inch indoor chair months ago is ordering me a 16 inch wide electric chair. So don’t worry, I’m not half the person I used to be, just sort of 5/6ths.
Anyway, Linda took this Sunday morning as my limbs were started to spasm,
this led to a partial and then to a grand mal where I managed to smash part of my shoulder. It is rather weird, you wake up, exhausted, you sleep and find all sorts of bruises on yourself, and muscles torn.
Today, I posted two postcards. I prepared four surprises. I put addresses on seven more postcards. I cannot come to the phone, I cannot come to the doctor’s office, sorry, I am previously engaged.
In an aside, with all the oxygen I am on, I wish they would offer flavors, you know an hour long tank of cinnamon, or baked apple. I am getting ‘oxygen lines’ like I used to get dents in my nose from my glasses.
Oh, Beacon cancelled my scheduled overnighter an hour before 10:00 pm. Ack. A plague of locust in their underwear!
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