Today I had a long and convoluted conversation for the government representative, a “higher authority” who said things like this for almost 90 minutes: "Whether you are completely immobile and unable to consistently breath much less work is irrelevant in determination of whether you met the compliance of the CPP code, which does not indicate that you have reached compliance of the Federal Revenue laws or other Federal determinations, and while I cannot say that you have or have not been medical adjudicated, there is no current agreement with the UK and if there was in the future it would be placed in the paper, but since that would occur after your 90 days where you are allowed to make an appeal, it would fall outside the limits of the law regarding CPP pension regulations."
Yeah, it was kinda of like having your brain as a sponge soaking in vinegar. So I am in shock. I waited nine months to hear this.
After six months (and requesting additional medical materials) the Canadian Federal Government has determined that I am not disabled that I am ‘severely disabled’ and with a “prolonged” disability which means that I have such a level of disability that (from the letter I was sent) “your disability is likely to be long term AND of indefinite duration or (“or” bolded in the letter) is likely to result in death). Also that I do not have any independent means of support.
However, though I worked constantly in the UK until I went on disability there, and WAS determined to be severely disabled (for something else I talked about earlier in this blog), so have a continuity of payment into pension and social insurance in both countries.....
Of all the EU countries, the one Canada does not have an agreement with is the UK, so while I can prove I was contributing, and that I was paying my Canadian Taxes (because there IS an agreement regarding taxes), to the Canadian Pension Plan and Social Benefits on a National Level, they refuse to acknowledge this due to no agreement (the reality of what occurred is secondary to the acceptable paperwork of what occurred!).
If Canada and the UK do reach an agreement it will be listed in the newpaper, but there are no current negotiations.
I only have 90 days to appeal and if they reach an agreement after the 90 days which does include my UK contributions because I have already applied and been “determined ineligible” I cannot reapply.
I am a person who has no means of support, who is, after a careful examination of all medical documents determined BY a medical judicatory to be unable to support or even find income in my lifetime and have no current income or support.

And because I moved from the UK to Canada, I will not now or ever receive any assistance from Canada (the person suggest I think about moving back to the UK – which is what I guess people with severe disabilities and no income do, move internationally!).
So I am pondering how in pretty much anywhere in the world, from Mexico to Japan, from Germany to China, if you are a citizen of the country, and you are a resident of the country and you are determined by no fault of your own to be completely incapable of work due to disability, SOME small modicum of help is given by the government. While in Canada, we have to PAY the doctors to fill out sick notes and the forms (14 pages) to be examined by a medical judicatory. And how, though I have worked at many jobs all my life, am now, in a country, known for social safety net, which is quite happy and has no option, according to the paperwork but let me die, unless someone ELSE comes in to help me.
This has not made me very cheery.
I am a person who the state has determined cannot help themselves and dying but because of paperwork, will not be assisted in any way: I am a Canadian!
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