Postcards, the dog meet and greet, a cat and uke.
Sunday we worked on the last of the postcards and I wrote the last of the postcards. It wasn’t the 40+ we were hoping for but rather 22, and Linda and Cheryl did much of the postcard matching as I was mentally incapacitated at the time. I did my share of the stamping and here we have some of the new rubber stamps as well as some of the new inks we are trying out. I think they are very pretty.
Also if you look closely, some time ago, a reader gave us the gift from the post office of Photo Stamps (we still have credit left - – hint hint!), where you upload photos and then they get turned into stamps by the post office. Then they are sent to you to use. You can see the two types of pictures we picked (I got to pick one – me racing! Linda picked the other – me the town slut!).
Then in the early afternoon we went to the dog meet. It isn’t an official event except during different festivals (like during pride for example) but it is a 1.5 to 2 km park where dogs can meet each other and run and play and have FUN.
And the owners can meet each other as well while we get to play the ‘what breed is that?’ game. This week we saw a small dog which was a cross breed of a daschund and a black Labrador I think, we were all going, ‘and how did that work....physically?’ I did not take pictures of the dogs because I need consent of the owners (many are show dogs) and besides they were there to play. And some were doing stick catching and some had those ball catchers and would run and leap for the ball.
I like BIG dogs, the bigger the better,
there is one dog in town that looks a bit like a small bear which comes, but it wasn’t there this week. And Linda like the LITTLE dogs, particularly if they are carrying a BIG stick. At one point there was a TINY dog and a large to medium dog fighting over a stick and I said, “You’re thinking, ‘if only the little one would win and carry it off!’ and she started grinning.” Seriously, she can see it over and over again and she loves it. She loves the small dogs (which ones do you like?).
It was a gorgous day with the straits being clear and smooth.
There were only about 60 dogs or so when we went instead of the 200+ that show up. I know because it is also a ranked jogging site with markers and if you happen to TRY to go jogging on Sunday, well, good luck, not just in being chased but in getting around the groups of five to eight dogs having a chat. But the first thing we ran into was a CAT. Yes, someone, a goth girl had brought a cat down to the dog meet, on a leash.
Well, I had never seen a cat on a leash being walked much less on the Sunday dog meet but it seemed okay, like to go and explore. But of course, a dog found it, there was barking and hissing and backs raised and then after the dog left, the cat started crying, and the owner picked it up and was going home. It sounded just like a human. I had never heard a cat cry before, and it was kind of sad and creepy, that it was so frightened as to cry. I did feel bad for the cat.
We walked and rolled the length of the course and Cheryl and I had a picture taken, so here is Cheryl, yes she does come and visit, she isn’t just a figment of my imagination.
Of course we (Cheryl and I, the two lesbian teenagers) were enjoying the other joys of the days of spring; women in not much at all. Some jogging, some with annoying arms around males (ug!), but still, very nice. Back in non-ogling land, here is the no leash area, with baggies every 100 yards or so.
A path follows the top of the cliff with many access points down, this is the best one for smaller dogs. It has several fair sized running areas with a beach to go down to and the sea to jump in and then shake your coat ALL over your owner to show how much you LOVE THEM, plus sticks to pick up. So a fun park for dogs.
We saw a tiny dog, I think it was a small corgi bark and drive off a medium sized dog. I was sort of impressed and sort of felt, that just because the dog is bigger doesn’t mean it is not gentle or doesn’t want to fight. I like watching dogs because they are very easy to read. There was one Dalmatian which was playing catch with a stick and then another dog ran by, they sniffed and it ran for a few seconds with the ‘new friend’ but then the owner threw the stick and the dog kept looking back at the friend and the stick and eventually the stick won. It raced back, picked up the stick and then ran about to see if it could show it off to the new friend, “Look! I have a stick!” Even the ones who wanted to run some more and being put in the car were like, “More, more, we want more!”
Afterward we dropped off Cheryl at the Ferry and I promised Cheryl that next time we would have Jiffy Pop Popcorn! (when did you last have some?) Which indicated I was about 18-19 as Linda had NEVER heard me talk about Jiffy Pop (we used to have it on group camp-outs) and then I went for ice cream with Linda and had butterscotch instead of strawberry (again, what I used to do at 18-19). While she was standing in line this grandmother and her grandchild of 9-10 with long blond hair and wide eyes and full lips was there, and we looked at each other and I looked over the jeans and top and really quite gorgeous blonde hair. In the car, Linda said the girl in front had a soft voice but was very determined in what she wanted. I said I believe it because the girl was a boy. Yup, it was a Uke.
I think they really didn't want to cut the hair, even if people mistook them for a girl. I looked carefullly and there were no little bit of hair ribbon or even patches on jeans that a mom would have snuck in to satisfy herself that her daughter would be identified and a girl (moms obsess about these things). Linda agreed that yes, the grandmother never said she. People just saw the hair and eyes and lips and made an assumption. Have to say one of the best hair of any of the children, girls or boys that were there. I don’t know what the future holds but he KNOWS what he wants and just keeps repeating himself until he gets it.
So that was my day out, I then went back and crashed big time. But at least I got some postcards done and some time out. There were also many packages. I think this is part of the new life I need to learn how to deal with; compromise (I know, the level of swearing!). I may not get all that I want but I got some postcards done, and I got to go out and have fun (and see a uke!). This is just a bit of early week fluff because it seems not just me but a lot of people are having a bad week. So I hope there was a smile somewhere. Don’t worry if you are a cat person, cat girls are ahead!
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