Postcard Project post, Rubbernecker's plus my NEW and HARDEST challenge YET!
I snuck out of bed for an hour and just wrote a new post
for the Postcard Project, and I would be quite happy if you could take a look and tell me what you think. Also if you are a lurker, or you know someone who needs or could use a postcard, I want to send it to you. If you read this blog, and you want to know that someone cares, that I care,
I WILL send you a postcard, so email me with title Postcard Project at mpshiel at and your likes and ADDRESS and I will send you a postcard. Everything is confidential.
For everyone who is buying me manga, of which there seems to be a spring WAVE of people doing so, THANK YOU so much. I don't know why but THANKS! If anyone wants to give $5 for Rubberneckers please follow the link to Linda’s blog, A Girl’s gotta Fly on the right or HERE, and use the paypal button (down a bit on the right). I point there because I love to give back and this way we try to have new things for every person so that each postcard sent is exciting!
Rubberneckers is the best place I have found, as they have top quality rubber stamps at about $5 each. Plus at $20 you get one free – so five stamps, or five weeks of a new stamp a week for $20 – not bad! I get a gift and several hundred people do too.
I’m going to do a blog (tomorrow?) about my Brain Board and some different reviews: something fun and also I hope insightful. Right now I am very ill.
Linda gave me a flu from work (in her OWN way)
and since most people with my condition die of colds or flus, that is bad (the kiss was GOOD, dying BAD). I was up until 7 a.m. from it, then 6 a.m. (errrr….doing postcards), then 6 a.m. again when the illness returned. I pass out a lot, I stop breathing a lot. I had an emergency overnighter who was able to get to me due to the Babycall Monitors someone anonymously gave. They really make a difference (Thanks!). However, I also dislocated my jaw in one of the seizures last night and it is mostly back in but no hard food. Also, I pass out, and I am working to stay still and sleeping, instead of passed out. I am still very ill.
Um, the whole sleeping in plans didn’t work out today as the City of Victoria decided with many machines and tar and those roller things to fix every pothole in our street - TODAY! How kind. Then the home care person who was cancelled didn’t know and woke me with knocking, and then some very angry um, yelling either at me or the people who did the booking. Not sure. Kind of scared.
Linda has sort of made a challenge, “Can you Elizabeth McClung (uh oh, she is using the full name, I am in trouble now), stay STILL for one day?
Can you stay in bed!” I had explained the construction and the banging on the door and how then I JUST looked at my emails a bit (three hours later….), and got ‘THE LOOK’. But the problem is even damaged slow brain goes faster and thinks up more stuff to do than body can do.
So can I stay still? Can I read manga in bed and get better
, or at least rest enough to be able to be dressed and get out of the house? Well, if I can DO a 10K, and DO hard and crazy things then I can not DO, not work for JUST one day...right...RIGHT? Which is why I got these two blogs done before midnight...because they don’t count...see?
I still get email in bed, so I can get comments (which I expect will be rude). I can do this! I love new and nearly impossible challenges. Stationary and RESTING Beth.
'No, writing another blog post isn't resting.'
'No, writing a book isn't either.'
'Don't make me take the computer away.'
'Lie down and lie back!'
Am I grounded?
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