The good news is that I am here and alive. When the much older woman who was preboarded behind me with her canes said as we FINALLY arrived, “You’ve had a rough trip dear!” that is not the most encouraging news. But true.
It turns out that I found out I cannot go on any roller coasters from now on.
The connection is that the acceleration down of an airplane along with the drop in pressure creates enough force (maybe 1.4 G?) that I can’t get my lungs to open, which makes me stop breathing and pass out. So I didn’t get to watch the show, but it was impressive. The other down side is we stopped to pick up more passengers so two takeoffs and landings (4 passing out). Also a full plane, and I was stuck next to the ‘Pink Woman’ who had everything pink from her fingernails to her laptop, laptop bag, purse, carry bag, luggage, clothes, hoodie, shoes, and the gum she chewed non-stop with her mouth open. She did that plane thing where the person pretends there isn’t a person slightly purple who is 6 foot 3 inches tall crammed into the seat next to them. She also spread out her stuff. Well, I fought back by lowering the armrest. I understand having to sit squished by a beefy six foot guy but not a small 5 foot 2 inch woman who was thin, but had more pink bags than I believed existed outside a Hello Kitty Store (the ‘cute’ Hello Kitty, not the ‘naughty’ or ‘subversive’ Hello Kitty I get).
We arrived

We checked into a motel which we hoped would be quiet and cool. Well, it IS cool! But quiet? They started with sledgehammers outside our windows at 7:30 am.

Plus, there is the whole directions taking 25 minutes because there are so many side stories. “You go past the lights, you will see Phil’s automart – now Phil, he is doing a lot better now that his wife has her drinking under control so that is actually open most days now and they repainted it red, no wait I think it was green, no it was definitely red. Then on to the next lights where there is a tire depot, I think they are going to develop that…”
Spouse interrupts with “No they tore that down.”
“Did they, when did they do that?”
“Three years ago.”
“They put up anything yet?”
“No the council wanted a playground and the other part of the council wanted a park.”
“So they did nothing.”
“You should ask your brother in law, he is on the counsel!”
“Well, it isn’t his fault that there isn’t a tire depot for Linda and Beth to drive by.”
“Isn’t it!?” (This is all done at full volume)
But I am off to see the OTHER motel and see if that is quieter on the basis that if I wanted construction noises at 7:00 ish I could get that at home and wouldn’t have to pay for them. Then onto……the IN-LAWS! (plus nieces and nephews)

Cheers and happy Canada Day!
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