Packing for Hawaii, bikini's, vibrators and strawberries, plus a reader game: the name game!
The last few days have been rather hectic with the packing. We are preparing to take off, to transform into our relaxed selves.
Yeah. Right. That's is what packing does....relax you. NOT! Last night it was ‘what corsets do I take’ along with trying on different tops, skirts, and jungle/mountain top wear. This looks about right for the jungle maiden right?
Because I am not taking a sword or spear! Also, should I take my wings, or pick up a pair of white wings special just for this trip? Since I have a nice white dress to wear (originally I was going to put blood on it, it is very bridal, very fu-fu!). Will this impress the people of Hawaii, will I become a legend in later guidebooks?
Do I spend too much time picking out my wardrobe? Or even more fantasizing how it will look? YES. (But I did get picked up two days ago, and got a marriage proposal this week - from a dude, and he was LEGAL age too! And I don't think he gets a senior discount yet.)
Cheryl has told me that she is going to Hawaii now to FIND POCKY! Not just any pocky but a very specific flavor she has heard exists in Hawaii called The Brazilian. Cheryl loves her pocky.
I am tempted, in a younger sister kind of feeling, to tell her I know where it is and direct her to a beauty shop where leg and other waxing occurs. Then, as the GOOD younger sister I am, tell Cheryl to tell them that she wants The Brazilian and can she have it right now! That’s something a younger sister would do, right? Something which might get me bopped but would be SOOOOOOO worth it!
As for me, I am practicing my phrase, “I don’t know how that happened?”, “I didn’t see the warning?”, “Was there a sign, I didn’t see it?” These are all very useful when you are planning to maximize your good time by ignoring every warning and trying to play the crip card to gain access before pushing every button in sight. Like here, I don’t know where the water came from, “I don’t know how that happened”.
So getting ready for Hawaii.
I am burning a new mix, a Hawaii mix including some Within Temptation, which I will make a nice movie of when I get back. That way Linda and I can listen while on the plane.
Um, Cheryl has an IPOD which holds like a billion songs, she can fend for herself. I have only 130 songs on my MP3 player!
I am also, have already created labels for postcards once we FIND postcards to post. And assuming we find a postal box in the jungle regions to post them in.
But I live in hope, we may even pack a few stamps and a color or two for the evenings. You never know. But yes, three pages of addresses (see, no week without!).
What frustrates me is that I do not have a bikini! I want a bikini, all the anime characters have a bikini, why do I have an old one piece from years ago?
Okay, maybe I am a bit long in the body but that would be perfect for…a bikini! I live in hope that we can, in our time in Seattle drop by Victoria Secret and see if they have a Bikini for me, and while we are there, we can of course just see what type of bra and panty sets are available, get all three of us in a room – come on, we are lesbians on vacation!
I just realized, this is like some hetero male fantasy. Back to the important stuff: ME - Actually, I would be okay if I got a NEW and cool one piece like this one (I do have the kitty ears for the beach!). And the words on the swimsuit are ME, “Only forward”
– that is not just a person ideology, but a demand from ME to my BOOBS! C cup here we come!
Hawaii is all about beaches, beaches and breasts. We have lotion, we have sandals, we have brushes for getting sand out of odd places.
I was going through what Linda had packed throwing out vibrators, throwing in vibrators, holding harnesses up to the light with my head cocked to the side (hmmm, is she thinking for me or her?). I was putting in more vibrators. “We need more batteries, many, many more batteries.” I told Linda, “Just in case….for the…um…..MP3 player.” See, I am a total innocent. Linda is the horny one. 
The last part of this post is a game I have wanted to play for a long time, which is the “Name Game” which is fun to play in the UK with pubs, and fun to play in the US with diners. So this name game is open to eateries and pubs of all kinds. What are the three strangest named places you have eaten, or just a strange restaurant where you have eaten?
For example, before it became popular I ate at a restaurant in the mountains of Malibu, in a windmill, with no electricity where the food, vegan, was made while priests chanted over it. It was called Inn of the Seventh Ray! It was, due to only having one little candle hard to tell if you got your order or not, was this the ‘eggplant of plenty’ or the ‘tomato and squash unification’? In the UK I drank at the Heath, and some places with long Welsh names which escape my spelling now. Also the Slug and Lettuce and the Sprocket. Over here, the place we used to go on road trips in the US was, no kidding, a Diner chain called, Little Black Sambo’s. Now, no longer in business. Odd that (maybe the openly racist menu had some part in that). Then I went regularly to Don Quixote, which had a Don Quixote in armor at the front. The Diner here in town is Pluto’s (the planet, ex-planet, not the Dog of Disney fame).
They have malt shakes!
See, this is the restaurant which I run with Linda (and Cheryl), here is me feeding Linda her favorite food, Strawberries! Yum.
Maybe that will be the name of the Diner, ‘Yum’, or 'Yum: where flirting and groping by your servers with each other is likely'.
So there you have it. Please tell me the names, and the stories: whether it is some fancy restaurant
with a name which translates to ‘Best snails and bull testicles here!’ or some local diner that is called Mom’s but actually you can only order IF you bring a mother. I want to know! Because I am already a little crazy from all the packing (like you may not have noticed) and need something light to cheer us all up. So please, what are some odd named places you have eaten? What is your diner story? And yes, I too learned at a fancy restaurant that those things which LOOK like onion rings but are chewy, are NOT onion rings but octopus related I think.
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