And though I haven’t even watched the pilot of the U.S. Skins yet (it’s DVRed) I can safely say yes, the British version is better.
First off, for those of you not familiar with the show I’m talking about, here’s the quick description Wikipedia gives (and if you click that link, I’d highly advise just to skim and look at the pics, because you really should watch this show yourself at some point): Skins is a British teen drama that follows a group of teenagers in Bristol, South West England, through the two years of sixth form. The controversial plot line explores issues such as dysfunctional families, mental illness (including eating disorders), sexual orientation identity, substance abuse and death.
In about two weeks, we’ve devoured the first two seasons of 10 episodes apiece, which in a sense is almost like watching an entire series as they change over the entire cast with season three (apologies to our UK fans for using the terms “season” and “series” the American way). Once time has given the show its proper context, I’m not sure how it will ultimately rank among my all-time favorites, but I can say that I’m deeply impressed with the sheer amount it’s able to accomplish over the span of just 20 installments.

Something that really sets Skins apart from, say, Gossip Girl, for me (and there are many things) is that on Skins some really tragic stuff happens to these kids, but it resonates. They never get over their tragedies fully, just like we never get over a lot of the bad stuff that happens to use in real life, at least not completely. For Tony, Cassie, Sid, Chris, and heck, really all of them, stuff just keeps chipping away at them, whether it’s “small” stuff like relationship trouble or comparatively big things like a loved one dying, and they do not emerge rebooted a few episodes later as characters on American teen soap type shows (most of which I love) tend to do; they don’t become completely joyless and the program doesn’t stop being fun to watch, but they gain a harder edge and for me they became more endearing as a result. I really cared what happened to these kids to a degree I can’t honestly say I feel for, say, Serena and Dan.

So with all the hubbub about the U.S. version of the show on MTV and having heard I’d been watching the original, a couple of my friends asked me what exactly the big deal was.
More to the point, they wanted to know why the U.S. version was getting so much attention, much of it negative, alienating advertisers and critics and so forth who have described it as “just kids running around in their underwear doing drugs and having sex.” They also wanted to know what exactly set Skins apart from any other teen soap opera and why it’s anything different.
To the second question, I answered pretty much what I summed up above: There are no gimmicks or hooks that set the UK Skins apart from 90210 or what have you to me, just the fact that it’s a really well done show with impressive writing and excellent acting. As I got into a bit, the fact that the kids seem somewhat more real at least in terms of their reaction to hardships and forced maturation in the face of difficult times certainly makes it stand out, but it’s hardly groundbreaking, I just haven’t seen it done quite as well much elsewhere.

I’ve been sparse on the spoilery details throughout here because I really do encourage anybody who hasn’t and is able to check out the UK version of Skins, the first two seasons in particular. It’s really something and I’m pleased to say my first true insight into some of the stuff you can do over there when it comes to making television as opposed to over here; I am proud to proclaim that in this case, the British version is indeed better.
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