So I don’t want to talk about pain because pain and fatigue dominates my day, my thinking, my breathing, my sleeping. So let’s talk about what I do that is good, and pleasant, which is this case is saving toward my DREAM backpack (for either me OR my wheelchair - keep reading) as well as some of the things I do; from restaurants to ordering things online (Don’t worry, I will talk little and there will be lots of pictures).
First off let’s go back to the weekend, because it wasn’t ALL just postcard and postcards and sexy dress up on the corner with men hooting (though that tends to be what I remember), we also went out for Mexican. And here we are at our favorite place, with our strawberry margaritas.

Okay, new topic: I have looked all over the net (like done a bunch of searches) and as far as I can tell there are about 15 “Postcard Projects” of one kind or another. However, the others are where people want other people to send IN postcards and the person doing the project wants postcards from every state in the USA for example. Mine so far seems to be the only one where you give your name and address and you GET a postcard. And now there are, well about 130-150 people on the list. So I do think I will reach my thousand postcards sent out (my goal) if I can pace myself and I don't obsess or get out of control. Hopefully everyone will get three to six postcards or so if I make it to the finish of the project.
What people don’t ask is, “How does Beth get her postcards?” At first it was just stock of postcards while I was IN Japan. Then those left over from Japan, and then that ran out. And now, some people SEND postcards which I use and send out again and you can see in pictures some of the postcards that people have sent in for me to send back out. But for the majority of the postcards, like the 31 so far this weekend/Monday, I get my postcards....wait for at a time (no, that isn't Zen, I am being literal - read on!).
Yup, I actually go and search out a variety of sites and referrals and webpages every day to find postcards. And I have a fixed amount that I can spend on each postcard (about $1.50, a little more for rarities) so that limits it as well. So for example here is a postcard I bought today.

So when sometimes the postcards are damaged, that gets me very sad, because it takes so much effort to get them here. So for example, one of the cards from Japan was damaged, they offered me to take another one so I ordered this one.

I am not sure how many hours a week I spend buying postcards. Now that I have done it a while I am often contacted, as I was today by a seller who had some new Yaoi cards and I ended up buying seven from them, that took about 90 minutes (they will arrive in two weeks or so). But sometimes it takes an hour or two and you get no cards that day, or that week. And sometimes you hit a jackpot and sometimes you just find one – but it is the RIGHT one, like this Gothic Loli postcard I got yesterday (with cat ears!).

And the same is true of getting ‘surprises’, I try to hunt them out, one at a time and then find the right person for them. For instance here is a small stationary set of Hello Kitty as a Maiko, an apprentice Geisha.

Of course, the problem is that when you are spending so much time looking for postcard and things for others occasionally you might find something for yourself…like this nice Pencil Board from Japan (De Capo II).

My big thing which I have been trying to save up for and if all goes well I will have the money to pay for in about 10 days is this backpack from Japan.

So that’s today’s post, I wanted something where you could see what I do, which is that I still use my brain, keep track of dozens of objects, find the right thing for the right people. And yes, I know that I could get postcards in bulk – but they wouldn’t be THOSE postcards, they wouldn’t be the right postcard for the right person.
And I try, even when the pain and my rather certain future makes it feel like a cold grey planet where nothing seems to matter anymore, to find dreams, like a sweet spiderweb punk backpack for my wheelchair. I am also still trying to get out, even a little, four or five days a week, I didn’t today but I WILL tomorrow and I did yesterday (saw a black squirrel – need to go visit squirrels!).
I hope in your pain and your situation that you can have a dream, or something to look forward to. I have been selling off my stuff on ebay to get money for the backpack. I saved stuff for years so that I would have DVD’s to watch for the rest of my life; well, turns out I won’t have that much time so...on to ebay they go. Hurts, but hey, once they are sent off to a new home, I am sure I will happy, and right now, I want that backpack more than the collected film works of Stephen Fry (sorry Fry). So, if you have a dream coming up, I’d like to hear about it!
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