Also, I will be having three MAJOR medical appointments tomorrow so I may be wiped for a while. I also had a major seizure and my heart stopped for a while but it is going now, so that was really painful (and radiating under my shoulder blades) but I am still here. Ha! But I may have to respond to comments a little slower. As my hands don't work so well, or parts of my body and I was paralyzed for a while.
Linda has set up a paypal account in secret and activated it today, if you send me an email marked paypal, then I will forward it to her (without reading it) or you can send her an email directly to linda.mcclung at and she will give you the directions. She doesn’t know how to do the button thing yet. I don’t do finances. So I work on the sending out postcards and she deals with the managing how to pay for oxygen concentrators and stuff like that. So, want a postcard – email me at mpshiel at; want to talk to Linda about oxygen concentrators or getting me to see a neurologist, email her. This weekend I worked on a goth postcard and while it doesn’t tell a story like “Don’t be a graverobber”, I thought it was a pretty cool collection and one of the better goth cards, so here it is:

I can’t really do the deep thinking because a) four fingers have frostbite, b) I had a seizure so it is like someone took an electric eggbeater and stuck it in my head – ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! Suddenly thoughts don’t form up so well. And c) um…..see b on why I can’t remember c. So here instead is the Hoh Rainforest, after the SPLAT, when I was feeding the red squirrels.
First we have the first Frisky squirrel and his hyperactive brother going by with a pine cone.

Then you have the actual domestication of the squirrel.

And finally, having gotten his fresh roll, Frisky finishes the day doing what squirrels do best, gorging themselves.

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