Sonntag, 5. September 2010

Facebook Feud: 90210 vs Melrose Place

Last Thursday, a bunch of 90210 fans declared it "90210 Day" because it was September 2, 2010, aka 9/02/10 (why not "09"? Crazy 90210 fans...).

One of those fans was DC Comics' own Alex Segura.
Here's what he posted on Facebook...

Alex: Remember when Dylan cheated on Brenda w/Kelly, while Brenda and Donna were in Paris? As Sophie B. Hawkins played? I do. #happy90210day

Here's how Ben responded...

Ben: I remember that I was just waiting for Melrose to start.

And so it went...

Alex: Kelly was dating Jake when Melrose launched, Ben!
Ben: I remember Jake dropped her like a bad habit

Guardians of the Galaxy artist Brad Walker attempts to step in...

Brad: Ben, Alex, I'm SICK of all these Marvel/DC arguments! I don't know why we can't just support both companies! Besides, didn't they play Sophie B. Hawkins in EVERY episode?!
Alex: No, Brad! They just played "Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover" on that episode. Pffft. Also, Ben, Jake was an idiot for dumping Kelly.
Ben: Oh yeah, Alex, dumping Kelly in favor of moving to the greatest apartment complex ever and building up a collection of conquests that included HEATHER LOCKLEAR ON HER OWN DESK was HUUUUUUGE mistake! Typical DC mentality.
Alex: Didn't he also date Amy Locane, Ben, now charged with vehicular manslaughter? Good call, Grant Show!
Ben: You're mixing fantasy with reality, Segura! Sandy moved to New York to pursue an acting career!!!

Ben takes to his own Facebook account...

Ben: ‎90210 Day is not the same as Melrose Place Day, people, so stop asking me if I'm excited.
Jordan Geary: Melrose Place Day? That sounds like the end of the world. Just people sleeping with and professionally ruining each other. I can't wait!
Ben: Let me say this: I hope to not have any reason to go to any hospital on Melrose Place Day. I will do my best to find Shooters though.
James "I Just Got Married" Hatton: I would assume that Melrose Place Day would be right after 90210 day.. wouldn't it?
Ben: And as a newlywed, Melrose Place Day should terrify you.
Big Time Comics Writer Jim McCann: If you own or live near a pool, Melrose Place Day should terrify you too.
Jordan: Is there a popular date in Melrose lore for us to make it an annual celebration?
...John Enos III's birthday is June 12th...
Ben: There's also the original premiere date on July 8. Or...January 27, three days after my birthday, was Amanda's first appearance.

Done. See you January 27.

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