* I thought our invisible blogging partner Kevin Mahadeo did a fine job interviewing David Hine for CBR's "The Bat Signal" column. The interview really highlights how malleable the incoming Batman Inc. series should be for expanding the Batman world for fans who like extra material, and Hine makes a strong case for being a writer who can deliver that stuff in a compelling way. Aside from the introduction of fun-sounding new French hero Nightrunner (previewed above from this blog and from the DeviantArt account of artist Trevor McCarthy who killed it on DC's Halloween Special), I find the idea that Hine will wrap some dangling plot threads from Greg Rucka's "The Question" serial an intriguing one at the very least.
* I've got my own profile of Diary of A Wimpy Kid's Jeff Kinney hitting CBR this week which I hope you'll read, and in the meantime, you owe it to yourself to read this fun interview with America's most popular kids cartoonist by my bud TJ Dietsch on MTV Geek. And holy shit! MTV Geek started letting their bloggers actually be the authors of their posts. So here's TJ's collection of work. Actually, that site is looking to be way more functional after its initial rough phase, meaning there's a dedicated comics category which makes finding cool stuff like this Janet Lee interview easier.

* I straight up love Milt Gross Super Mouse comics like this one for reasons I can't quite articulate. Thanks to Tom for always linking to them when they show up on the various Golden Age comics blogs I always forget to check.
* At i09: The great Jess Nevins delivers a history of the pulps.
* Everyone and their sister have linked to this already, but I wanted to put it here as much to save it for further study later as to share it with y'all, but you should read it anyway if you're caught up on Love & Rockets (And YOU SHOULD BE): Frank Santoro continues his examination of how panel grids work in comics by dissecting Jaime Hernandez's work in the brilliant Love & Rockets: New Stories #3.
* Somewhat related: Ben Towle digs into CMYK printing via a look at a kids book that plays with color overlays.
* Cute little comics about how a web browser works.
* Sean is right. Suzanne Mozes' profile inside James Frey's young writer-exploiting fiction factory is stomach-turning. Especially to someone with appreciation for/designs on writing good fiction for children. Ugh.
* I first got to know Jeet Heer's work thanks to magazine profiles for the now dead Lingua Franca, and I'm always glad to see him do more of that kind of writing even when it's not about comics. Case in point: the new Heer-penned profile of Canadian radio host Stuart McLean in The Walrus is great.

* You all know I'm a sucker for Rocketeer fan art, and the above example of Paul Salvi's crack at the character thanks to a challenge thrown out by Nate Cosby is a great example of why. Also: this one by Shawn McGwan is nice too.
* I can't stop reading articles about the lack of ambition/direction/ability to move away from home in my generation and thinking that no one is getting the reasons for this supposed phenomenon right. While discussing this stuff at home in Michigan this week, my older brother said, "You know, people moved back in with their parents in the 19 fucking 30s too." Smart guy, my bro.
* I know a lot of folks would disagree with me, but this article entitled "Modern Art Was CIA 'Weapon'" really put a smile on my face. Fucking America, yo.
* I'm weird, so when I found this student power point on The Types of Gryphons, I got really excited.
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