Oh yeah, we doubled my pain killers. And it seems to work cause the ‘Crazy Eyes’ Elizabeth Fucking McClung is back!
I decided after watching a trailer for the TV show ‘Son’s of Anarchy’ that a) I need to start a really cool motorcycle gang and b) definitely NEED my own town (“Some people just find they aren’t welcome here” – from the trailer). Okay, I know ‘Pantyliner’ isn’t the best town name, but it scares most men, and indicates things are going to be down and dirty: yeah a little bloody! I will probably change it once I find a better name (“Welcome to Carnivore”, “Second to last Hope”). So a NEW ride and of course I need the guns,

I went boxing yesterday and did 80 push ups and 100 sit ups, 40 of them vertical (my legs up in the chair, my body on the ground, face to come up to knees and back down). Then I did heavy bag. I got Linda to time my 1 minute ‘mad minute’ rounds. After a few warm ups, I timed 197 punches in 60 seconds (yeah the last 3 bug me a bit). Then as I kept doing the rounds, I felt myself slowing down. I asked Linda to time me again. “141” I counted when she went ‘Stop….....oh wait, that was only 50 seconds, you have 10 more.” Oh, too late. I was kickin it. Then Linda said, “We better go home a bit early.” Everyone was still hitting the bags, all 24 boxers. And that’s when I passed out. When I came to….we were in an empty room. That was a very twilight zone trick.
I was getting in shape for my days of Mayhem and loan sharking (I'll carry a calulator for the hard stuff). Sort of like this cheerful video from Gunslinger Girls.
So, I read The Good Witch of the West, where it starts with girl and boy friend (Firiel and Rune) and Firiel goes to ball, gets mocked and then her ‘heirloom’ from her dead mother shows her to be a contender from the throne.

So, lots of fun at the academy (she gets thrown out - So on to court!). And what is a 'wild girl' without lots of cross dressing, Rune as Runette, and Firiel as a boy – the luggage for these two must be huge! It is fun (oh, and I am selling the manga series in ebay by Sunday – but if you get the books, I will send you the anime series on Disc – it is similar but different – so let me know!).
Anyway, somehow Yuri action (like the sword instructor made Firiel’s ‘Knight’), gender bending, intrigue, saving the kingdom, and of course a dash of yaoi is like sherbet for me, it just cleanses the pallet. I awoke this morning…er afternoon and thought, “Why Elizabeth, why don’t we try to start the apocalypse today!”

That’s me in a good mood. Gosh, I've missed the "What are we going to do today Elizabeth?" Why try to destroy the world, of course! days, haven't you?
I also thought about becoming a ‘Grim Reaper’,

Or convincing everyone to wear ‘fox spirit’ masks on full moons and start taking school in the middle of the night!

But then, after reading about a nation of women in charge, and seeing that trailer, I am totally into creating a town of biker gals, or gals who like to fight, or scrap and of course drink tea and chocolate, maybe a bit of bread baking before going out on a ‘Thunder Ride’ So quick, hop aboard and lets go find this town!

See, people think women aren’t scary, and it is that fact that makes us scary. We are 51-52% of the planet and we could PK, or ‘Team Kill’ anytime we feel like it. Just be thankful that we like gardening and knitting more than provoking. Because otherwise we would be THIS little Red Riding Hood (I have those boots, but I love the rose imprint thigh highs).

So, if you don’t want to hear of my Breathe of Mayhem spreading far and wide, um, send pocky. Yeah, but keep me on these painkillers, they rock!
I’m outta here, I’ve got a scythe and I’m off to do some loan sharking and warn people against the perils of jaywalking.
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