Off to Sakura-con, er morn
Sooooo Sleepy. Fatigued between fevers, seizures and over-enthusiastic night workers who whisk my pillow away letting my head go bump-bump-bump down the ice below. And thus it goes at 3:00 am, at 5:00 am, at 7:00 am, and at 8:00 am. Beth wonders if there is a better way to turn over her pillow, and almost thinks of it before the bump-bump-bump knocks it out of her head. But we are off to Sakura-con, as the blossoms are out,
and picture filled blogs soon, as I have clothes to wear (bonus!), am ready for going to the masque dance (double bonus) and we have enough gummy bears to last the journey.
Beware the most exhausting and terrifying word: Vacation.
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