In a tale most unbelievable, Port Angeles, which has many tattoo parlors (and ones not that good) happens to now have a shop which sells Hello Kitty supplies and not only that, rare and cool Hello Kitty Supplies. This means I actually have a shopping reason to go to Port Angeles. But also mean now I am in shopping envy, lying awake at night frustrated that I did not find item X or Y sooner, or that others maybe just THIS minute someone is buying what I want (a feeling never felt before about Port Angeles!). This was the store where I talked to the 16 year old girl about Hello Kitty, Demonia Shoes, Goth and yes, S&M. The store have a few “display rooms” and this is the Kitchen.
Well, as of tonight, in typical Linda fashion, Linda has “shoppers regret” over that toaster, on how it would be REALLY nice but golly we can’t justify that (which is Linda code for “I really want it and keep thinking about it”). I don’t know why Linda doesn’t see and lust for things instantly like me, but it takes two days or so for her to get the bug, like in Paris when she decided she REALLY should have picked up that scarf on the first day. So back we had to go, subway transfers and all because seriously, is it not better to go back and GET the scarf then hear the regrets over NOT getting the scarf for two years? Plus Linda likes to shop but does not get crazy excited like being exposed to catnip about buying things (that is what I do!); so when she does WANT something, crave something, then yeah, I am going to get that for her.
So here is the toaster,

So while Linda was gazing at toasters I had found the most amazing Hello Kitty Temporary Tattoos, which I am sure are Japan Release Only (meaning, what are they doing HERE in Port Angeles!), there are Purple Geisha ones for the Girls and I found blue ones of Drumming and drinking sake for the guys (come on guys, playing big Japanese drums is manly!).

I also found a set of bandages, where EACH bandage is a different Hello Kitty scene.

And as I was about to leave, I fell totally in love with the Hello Kitty Pirate sleepset! Look at it, who wouldn’t!

Here is a picture of some of the goodies, you can see the size small top on the front bottom rack, and if you look at the top left you will see the edge a FULL purple sleep set including sheets and everything to make your Hello Kitty bedroom.

We went from there to the Farmers Market at Port Townsend, 48 miles and many skary bars and stores from Port Angeles (avoid the road side shop on that way that has a sign advertising, “Animal skins and ice cream available.” The racks of animal horns mounted on the outside are a giveaway - yeah, I'm serious).
At the market, there were all the local farms, from a few miles away, as well as people making food from ‘home.’ The first thing I saw were these nectarines (apricots?)

A little further on was the best looking bowl of Borscht I have ever seen, it looks like raspberry soup and with an edible flower too!

There were many flower vendors and I was entranced by these Lilies,

Linda, who when we try to call her a “Butch” gets laughed at by Butch Lesbians tried out an apron to see if she should Femme herself up. “Is this ME?” she asked, holding aside her pastry (where did that go Linda, and how come I never got any?), and holding this flowery apron to herself. “No, no, no, no, no!” I said and then, “Let me take a picture!”

On the way out, I was delayed and fascinated by these candle displays which are actually made of Soy, I think they are Vegan Candles? I am not sure why the soy but they made them with different flavors, Tomato and Kumquat and had such pretty displays that I wanted a display if not a candle.

From there we went to downtown Port Townsend for lunch at the 50’s Diner where they serve REAL malts from original malt machines brought in from where they were found all over the country. Here I am with Cheryl, the counter in the background.

The next day we were back in Victoria and I decided to use the $100 I had won from the Hudson’s Bay Company by winning the 10K race in my racing wheelchair. They actually sent it to me (Sweet!). I decided this was a good time to bring closure to my Japan trip by getting Canadian gifts for those who helped me in Japan. I wanted to get one particularly for a gentleman, S-san, from the Japanese Volunteer Disability organization who corresponded with me for five to six months before the trip and helped up create our trip “bible.” But also for the English speaking volunteer in Kanazawa who stayed with us for several hours, got my wheelchair repaired and saved the trip. In Japan, because of issues regarding status, you can only give food or perishable gifts. Because to give a gift that is permanent puts an obligation on the person or family receiving it. This has not stopped cost or status from entering as melons (the round fruit) are a popular gift (people eat them and gift is gone), so there are Melons costing over $100 (I kid you not). I ended up getting S-san a Haida art box with a can of fresh Queen Charlotte Salmon inside, as I know seafood is popular in Japan.

This however did not finish the $100 so I went search for gifts, primarily for men, because when I give gifts, I try to include a little something for the whole family. Except while I do well on chidren, teens and the women I am friends with, I tend to be terrible with guys. What do you get a guy who is a husband to someone you know? But since all my friends are in internet land I focused on trying to find things that were particularly west coast. I did manage to find some more temporary tattoos done in different Haida and Native Art of the West Coast.

I also picked up a couple fridge magnets, again trying to find something unique to this area.

I spend the last of my funds on Art Print, which would be more of a gift to a husband/wife, or couple or maybe academics, not sure.

I stayed away from buying the Inuit Art (the people in the arctic) which tends to be abstract and representational and I really enjoy.

So that was what I ended up getting with the $100 from the race (and a bit more to get all I wanted to buy). Linda asked me if there wasn’t something I wanted for myself, but at the time I could honestly say, 'no.' But that’s until I saw the picture of the Hello Kitty Cami and sleep shorts set again….now I have that frenzy to find and make it MINE!
Seriously, many things have gone away: I have virtually no taste left, the same with getting hungry or thirsty, just part of the disease. Indeed, one odd side effect was that certain seizures make me sleepy, while a few make me hungry…and I haven’t been hungry in months and months (or thirsty, which is why I and others have to constantly monitor me for dehydration). As for me, I am trying to fund a trip to San Francisco and to a Neurologist and getting rid of things, selling things. I also have very little in the way of appetite. So for me, finding a gift that I think someone might like and sending it to them, even if that takes a couple weeks or months is the closest I get to that sort of pleasure now. After all, I still have all the excitement of shopping and get the added pleasure of hoping, like the post cards, the right gift gets to the right person.
So that was it, the 'normal' day and today I got to write about it, about the normal, normal me (touch that toaster or those Pirate Hello Kitty PJ’s and DIE!).
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