Yayness! :) Precisely one year ago I started this blog, not knowing if I would have time for it at all. And now, one year later, it still exists and it is more popular than I thought it would be (I even noticed some visitors from Linden Lab). The blog evolved a lot since I wrote the first post and seeing the number of readers increase so much over time, I assume it evolved the good way :)
Today I rummaged through blog statistics a bit but I'm not going to bore you with them, except a few bits that I think might be interesting for you, or just look colorful because they have a graph (joke ^^).
The number of readers
The number of unique visitors last month was 887 (with page views that's 1205) plus those who read my blog through various RSS readers (they're not counted into statistics since the sitemeter resides in my blog's sidebar). Amazing! The last few months I see a lot more people coming here, so the monthly unique visits will probably be above 1000 somehow soon :)
Readers location

This graph looked a bit different a month ago. The number of Polish readers averaged about 25% if I remember correctly. It changed when we opened the Polish Republic. I met so many Polish residents in SL after the opening, that I actually lost track how many that was, which is pretty cool, I love meeting new people :) /me waves to new friends!
Browser share
Most of the visitors here use Firefox, which is great because my blog looks a bit better in Firefox. It's OK in IE too, but some spacings are bigger and the profile text is aligned to the left while it should be justified. I tried all possible changes in Blogger template and it won't allow me to fix that, so please use Firefox, cause I'm a perfectionist and I want you to get a perfect experience :P
My most popular posts
These are the terms that made people click the link and visit the blog (pretty much consistent with the most popular posts).
Today I rummaged through blog statistics a bit but I'm not going to bore you with them, except a few bits that I think might be interesting for you, or just look colorful because they have a graph (joke ^^).
The number of readers
The number of unique visitors last month was 887 (with page views that's 1205) plus those who read my blog through various RSS readers (they're not counted into statistics since the sitemeter resides in my blog's sidebar). Amazing! The last few months I see a lot more people coming here, so the monthly unique visits will probably be above 1000 somehow soon :)
Readers location
This graph looked a bit different a month ago. The number of Polish readers averaged about 25% if I remember correctly. It changed when we opened the Polish Republic. I met so many Polish residents in SL after the opening, that I actually lost track how many that was, which is pretty cool, I love meeting new people :) /me waves to new friends!
Browser share
Most of the visitors here use Firefox, which is great because my blog looks a bit better in Firefox. It's OK in IE too, but some spacings are bigger and the profile text is aligned to the left while it should be justified. I tried all possible changes in Blogger template and it won't allow me to fix that, so please use Firefox, cause I'm a perfectionist and I want you to get a perfect experience :P
My most popular posts
- Oh hai, I has shadows! (this actually was the most popular blog post of the year on this blog and brought in an awesome crowd! hello new readers ^^)
- Finding Magellan Linden (possibly the biggest roleplay in SL since quite a long time, basing on the story of Magellan Linden... started by long-time residents of SL, but even some Lindens took part in it; fun fun fun and I made some good friends too!; greetings to the explorers ^^)
- Scripting made easy (a shout-out about Ann Enigma's wonderful scripting tool)
- Plopp goes the sculptie (very simple sculpties creation through PloppSL)
- SL'ang Life is here! (oh, you know... our beloved magazine about SL; who would've thought we'll have to close the project only after six months - that's a lot of time in SL, isn't it?)
These are the terms that made people click the link and visit the blog (pretty much consistent with the most popular posts).
- ayumi cassini (ha! who's googling me? :P)
- second life shadows patch (yup, I love SL dynamic shadows too)
- magellan linden
- simple scripting in second life
- sl'ang life
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