And yes, it involves shopping (I have an addiction, I am a shopaholic; I don’t even need to see to feel the shopping lust, just know it exists makes me want to own it!). Which is why when I found out about the Hello Kitty Pour Lolita Line, which was made by my favorite author of Kamikaze Girls (about a Goth Lolita and a Street Biker girl who sort of fight their way into love – that Goth Loli can swing a mean bat!). However his use of Waccy Tobaccy closed his line two years ago, and after only a few months of production. There was the “Sweet Loli” line in pink (not me!), the Punk loli line, which I scored some washcloths from and sent them all out as gifts (hey they were super cool!). But for me, the Goth loli was the lodestone, and I finally found a brand new, tags still attached, clutch purse from the Pour Lolita line (admittedly had to communicate with a country literally on the other side of the world and then wait a month or two).

When I received it I opened it and sniffed then said with a smile, “ahh, the new purse smell!” This is when I started getting some ribbing and outright mockery from the Butch portion of the audience (Cheryl), it is amazing how sarcastic she can make the phrase “new purse smell” to sound. Hey, you femmes and shoppers know what I am talking about! The odor of new and fresh and all mine, and in this case, probably unique to this coast, this province, who knows? Admittedly, after a day or two I started kissing Linda more, but that deep love is still there.
And to continue the Goth theme, while doing a bit of clean out to help the tech guy to come and get me up and running on Dragonspeak 9 (The new computer is set up just to run Dragon speak, and I talk and it responds immediately, I started with numbers in the 20’s – which is great, I am starting to love Dragon instead of the one on my old computer who used just to crash it) I found a picture. Here is the picture someone (who will remain nameless) drew of me visiting the graveyard. I really like it.

I am working right now on another three postcards I will be sending out tomorrow, I thought you might like a look at some of the Postcards that are heading out across the world. Here are some of the covers and you have to admit, they are pretty (they look pretty to me!).

As to this group, there is a bit of a theme with having a cuppa; you know, tea time! We have the wicca tea party as well as the card of tea between friends. But what really intrigues me is that woman with all her knives because she seems to need a LOT and also seems to know what to do with them (Two groups of postcards and I am drawn to the women with knives what does that say? Does it say, "You have good taste?" or "You like the wild side?").

Here is a picture of the decoration, as you can see, SharonMV’s art still goes out, but I won’t say to where. Also some goth fun.

After all isn’t that fun, trying to reflect a bit of my personality, a bit of their personality (my personality is twisted so that part is easy, theirs is harder!) and make a bit of unique decoration. I do like the goth Hello Kitty in Profile at the lower left and the one of the a kind, only order from Japan Hello Kitty in a Sundae,

I had two big meetings today, got picked up by a guy (including a number – woo hoo….oh wait, that wasn’t a girl. Darn it!). So I am a bit knackered. Up at dawn for the prep for another medical and I’ve had two seizures, so sort of a full day. I tell you, this being disabled thing doesn’t seem to get any easier. So come on, some one give me the booklet which outlines when we get our vacations and our bonuses and rights. Like, I have been doing this for over a year and I haven’t even gotten one coffee break from my disability yet, much less a lunch break. I know being disabled can be a full time job, but….where are MY rights?
If you bought anything you fell in love with, or just want to tell me how exceedingly cool that purse is, please don’t feel the need to hold back AT ALL. Oh, and if you don’t know about the postcards then it goes like this: send me an email with the title postcard at my email at mpshiel at and you will get one and then MORE of these exceedingly cool cards. In fact, remember that card we did the “which schoolgirl were you?” remembrance on.

Remember, share the feelings, share the shopping joy, particularly your own. And it IS true, there is a “new purse” smell.
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