Beth worries she’s straight for getting aroused at gay guys, Yaoi and female fantasies!
I figured if I didn’t put “Female Fantasies” in there the guys would run for the hills. So while I am not going to do the big 10 (I think I did another blog post on that, and there were some interesting fantasies in the top 10 surveyed!), I am going to cover um the fantasies and arousals of…er… a single unnamed female.
I hope you had a great halloween, here is my ode to Halloween and the fall,
a new order of Bisen that came in for me. Also while I couldn’t go outside I consoled myself with this Will O’ Wisp Memo pad which is both gothy and has beautiful boys
(which leads us to Yaoi; Yaoi=Japanese romances between two boys/guys. The stronger aggressive is called Seme, the more femme and less aggressive is an Uke).
Okay, now before we go on, Yaoi is generally liked by GIRLS. Why, because first off gay guys don’t tend to like guys who like a lot like girls (drag queens excepted), the ones I knew were all “Brad Pitt’s condo any day!” While actually gay guys like Rupert Everet, who would almost make me straight
(as long as he always wore tuxes and kept his clothes on!), they were like, “Nah, to effete, I like them rough and ready!” Eh? But they do have a point because let’s face it, this is about as “manly” as Yaoi gets
(LOOK! One of them has facial hair...well about 9 or so, I guess Yaoi doesn’t do “bears” (“bears” are hairy gay guys)):
Okay, straight guys don’t like Yaoi generally because a) they are two guys and straight guys run from saying, “Hey those two guys are cute!” And b) Yaoi uses tradition male/female roles which get into your head and then guys are like, “Are you sure one of them isn’t a girl?”
Girls on the other hand, get to see all their fantasies played out in gay love, which is also done over here but called “Slash Fiction” where Harry Potter and Wesley get it on, or Jack from Pirates and Orlando are ‘good friends’. And after all, as I can attest from joining what I thought was a ‘penpal’ online site (to prove I COULD have a straight male friend…more on that….), but turned out to be like a sex hook up site (not at all what was advertised). And while there I got lots and lots of messages that boiled down to, “Do you do anal?”(or threesomes and anal?) So obviously guys have an anal sex fantasy with women, therefore they must not mind it themselves (turns out this isn’t exactly true…even though GUYS have this gland there that makes it sort of fun and girls don’t, yet girls get asked/expected?). Okay, that just got us an R rating. Well, in the top 10 fantasies for women was a strap-on fantasy, just letting you know (that was for straight women).
Okay, back to Yaoi, because I got this book from an artist who makes postcards I like, I have one of them, the rest I sent out. His name is Yamamoto Kazue and he did a game called Angel’s Feathers that I will probably learn Japanese to play if I lived long enough. I like cute things with wings (I REALLY like girls with wings!). So to me, seeing guys with wings is CUTE,
I don’t know how else to say it. I’m not aroused but it is cute.
Okay, then we go from the, two guys in uniforms, or two guys with wings in uniforms to more, um, well, sort of in the cracks of my mind sexual fantasies. Because here we have the “winter cabin” fantasy:
which yes has at least ONE clear guy, only see, I’ve always wanted to be the sort of casual sexy snow bunny who while just putting on an oversize sweater looks all sexy, vulnerable and comfy. Of course, when you ARE oversized (just on THIS planet!), then getting that look requires someone with me who is like, um 6’8”? But this um, guy, in the sweater has that look down pat (guy?). This is where the questioning of gender starts. So not aroused but like, Sigh, I wish that was me…..with a butch! (or Linda, or course!)
Okay so then comes the crossdressing, which wasn’t BLATANT in the last one but in this one it is,
and I can appreciate, as that dress goes great with the hair, but doesn’t do anything for me as anyone who smokes, particuarly a scraggle faced guy is a turn-off. And also, don’t like being put on a knee like a possession. So not identifying with this cross dressed male who is cute, but flat. But also, is having clothes her…I mean his dress ruined by the smoke of inconsiderate dude.
Now we get into a bit more, well obvious sexual fantasies. I mean this one, while one is definitely a guy (has sword!),
the other is pretty much Fantasy #14 out of the handbook of classic fantasies: Butch (or Dude) comes to the rescue, and presses your thankful body to hers/his while for some reason you are still only in your negligee/sleep-shirt. So, not really seeing the grateful femme as a guy at this point, seeing this as hetero fantasy that we need MORE OF in lesbian land. More girls with swords saving the day, pulling out femmes and carrying them off.
And this is the part where I start to get aroused,
because quite honestly, the pictures are starting to get to a point where I am sort of seeing a picture of my fantasy (in my head played out in pictures here!), and not seeing any guys, like this one. Okay, strong butch wearing the classic butch muscle top with CLASSIC butch haircut (GIRL!) is comforting the scared femme in the woods. I mean, is this not the start of a beautiful fantasy; the need to be lead out of the woods, the ‘I just got away”, the “I’m so cold”, the getting pulled close. Beth is starting to get the tingle EXCEPT…..I looking at pictures of YAOI – you know gay guys.
Never mind, move on, right, that was just a coincidence, except then comes this titillate picture.
First off, that’s a butch, that’s a butch, that’s a butch! I know a butch outfit and hair cut, in fact I have seen several of those haircuts. Second, look at the hips of our naked femme? Guy hips? Really? And second, why are the two of them covering the breasts? I mean that is a guy, but the breasts are being covered? And those hips, I am not thinking of um, “packages” (thank you Sasha for putting that in my mind!), when I see that.
And followed up by this.
Okay, both wearing girl’s silk kimono’s falling delicately off the shoulders, covering the breasts and behind our femme is a butch caressing her flushed (sexually?) face; the butch wears her kimono but look at the white girl’s face and TELL me that is a guy. Well according to the author it is. And this is not two lesbians about to have a romantic encounter, these are two guys, one with great collarbones, both in silk about to have a romantic encounter. Which means that if I am aroused by this point (and I am!) then does that make me a straight female, am I hetero, because I like the fantasy of cute guys. Except they aren’t GUYS! I mean look at them! Ahhhhhhhhh! (this is our…um….unnamed female trying to decide to bring out the vibrator or hide the book forever!)
And to finish me off….er….I mean the unnamed female is responding strongly to THIS picture.
Now first, not only is that sort of a cosplay, or sexy dress up but I SEE BREASTS! Sorry, I tend to shout that out at inappropriate moments. But come on, our femme is a femme. And this IS one of the great straight or lesbian fantasies (particularly lesbian I think) – of a butch in a tux, sweeping you away (or if you are butch, making them go ga-ga for you in your tux as you help your ‘friend’ who needs to go home ‘right now’ and needs your help to get out of her outfit! I think for straight girls you put an early Pierce Brosnan in the tux and get swept away as you are Laura Holt, PI undercover (“This is strictly professional, you understand” – leads to deep kiss!). Oh, fine, I’ll dance with you, I’ll do what you want (hee hee!).
Okay, that’s the end, the guys can uncover their eyes. So, beautiful boys dressed up still are cute, but still are boys! And I am not that into boys, however cute they get (though I do like ‘dress up’, for everyone!). So the fact that I am breathing heavy by the end of this book, from these pictures. Does that mean I am out of the L-word? Am I a lesbian with straight girl fantasies? Or is my mind so Queer centric that I have the power to turn all I see into butch/femme romantic fantasies? I just don’t know?
What do you see? What do the pictures make you think? Just for my….I mean the sake of an unnamed confused, thought she was lesbian female.
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