Lesbians Sleepover II Yuri & Yaoi: girls & guys play and Beth goes straight....again!
Okay, back to the lesbian sleepover! Of which it turns out there is a sad and horrific side. No, no, not talking about that incident where we ran out of batteries. What I mean is the true, and sometimes competitively viscous aspect which emerges during the lesbian sleepover. Yes…the bathroom!
Think about it, one bathroom and lots of women…gets to be the grand central station in the morning! But that’s the other thing, people waking up at all sorts of different times.
Means one person is warmed up and ready to roll, while everyone else is still in bed (and thankfully SO!). It takes a wee bit of adjusting.
But in the end we do find that at least for SOME of us, our patterns seem to make the NIGHT a very nice place indeed.
Ahh, did I forget to mention that this might be another post that isn’t going to be EXACTLY PG. Sorry, I should have mentioned it earlier but was distracted by the kitty cat on my naked BUTT!
Anyway, even the best of friends need time to sneak away for a bit. So during a break Cheryl takes her por…..I mean illustrated manga to the couch while I head off with my, um, high brow reading material, like this woman here;
it is kind of difficult to determine what she might be reading (since she has the UKE figure attached to her bag!). Oh right, for future reference, the less dominant guy is the Uke, the more dominant one is the Seme – the Seme also seems to be the one who gets an adam’s apple, poor Uke’s seem to have problems with voices changing or something.
I had gotten some picture books and other books from Japan (see, Yaoi has VERY good resale value, and I ended up with someone’s collection, but the trick is, you have to READ it, to resell it – plus I had some picture books from artists who had an....um....diversity of tastes). For example here is what will happen in the USA AFTER the “don’t act, don’t tell” policy is done away with. Yes, that’s right, MORE soldiers will be playing CHESS.
This can only be good for strategic thinking! I can’t see what is odd about guys playing chess (I think more and more of them should!), so strike that policy down!
I was also really hoping that Neil and our other archery experts could let me know, “Are they doing the scoring right?” in this picture.
I know accuracy is important in these anime archery pictures and I don’t know if they are counting the points correctly or not. I think if the guys who are into archery could just gaze into this picture for a REALLY long time, and then let me know, that would be very helpful! Thanks.
And for those who are into historic costume and Japanese kimono’s I think you will find this picture interesting.
As you can see by the patterning......he is TOTALLY nibbling that guy’s ear. And they both seem to kind of like it! And there are cat ears and a mask, indicating love at a festival. I need to find these festivals! Seriously, send me back to Japan...PLEASE!
Now before you are like, “Oh, God, here we go, getting our mind gender bending by Elizabeth again!”, no, no, I did bring some pictures of girls TOO. For example, here is one by my favorite artist, Kazue Yamamoto.
Now, first, I do love braids, they get me a tingling. And she has the sexy glasses look too, but what is with the suit and tie? Is this a lesbian girl? No, no, wait, I am remembering this girl in a FAR more romantic setting, indeed in the ultimate romantic setting as….a snow bunny.
Look, there she is, okay, with a GUY admittedly (dump him, he can’t make you happy like I can), and in this one she has a MUCH longer braid (oh so hot!), and that ‘just a little too large’ sexy sweater thing going on and wings. Okay, admittedly, this is supposed to be Yaoi, but I just can’t help but look at those splayed legs and hair ribbon and think…..sigh. One for our side (or meant to be anyway!).
And this brings us back to one of our favorite Uke’s (no, sadly NOT the butch lesbian and the femme uke) but who was referred to by readers as “cow eyes” and who I like to call Qwen (for reasons I will explain as we go along). Okay, here is Qwen and his (her?) lover, united again, with wings.
Qwen, or Quinn, if you wish, totally has down the “I’m so vulnerable and innocent, won’t you save me!" look. Which sadly, often is a MAJOR turn on for our Seme’s who then love to see the innocence of Qwen/Quinn slowly stripped away. But of course, like a good Uke, Qwen is totally innocent even after numerous betrayals. And needs saving like, every 20-30 minutes. Quew/Quinn can't open a can of soup without needing saving!
Now, here is Qwen, who we are SUPPOSED to believe is a boy, with some of the major characters of this series called something like “No Money”
because Qwen owns this HUGE debt and of course HE, the guy who gets a chest that is flat and an adam’s apple, holds the bill. And no matter how Qwen tries to pay it off, it goes wrong. And of course, it turns out that the dude’s tough and mean exterior and tricks reveal a secret soft side that really cares for the Uke, Qwen (or so Uke’s frequently tell themselves, usually while the Seme person is asleep because while awake the Seme is usually teasing the Uke in one way or another).
Okay, before we get into gender bender and getting horny over things so I’m not sure whether I am straight or lesbian or what anymore, let’s have one nice picture of the Uke in the snow.
Awww, so cute, you just want to cuddle poor Qwen who it doesn’t seem will EVER have a clue how the real world works (and thus needs to find someone to take care of him/her – any volunteers!).
Okay, now we get the close up, and here is why I have named this Uke: Qwen, because this is the picture and what do you see?
Or rather what do you not see? I see silky smooth skin (estrogen!), the same with the face, and tap pants hiked up to be virtually a thong! But I don’t see…..THE PACKAGE! I see rounded bum and I see place where if there is something to see, something should be seen right....right? The problem is, those eyes, that hair. No, no, no Elizabeth, do not get aroused until you are sure, I mean, what if the word got around that you were staring for long, long periods at a guy and getting the tingles?
So we go to the next shot, because that will tell us for sure! We have the ‘harem’ shot here of the parting of the veils with Gwen revealed.
And all suddenly, for no reason, Linda and Cheryl are startled by my shouting, “SEE, SEE, look at those hips, look at them!!!!!” I turn and they are looking at ME. I make a throat noise and say, “Sorry, just a cough.” But in my mind it is ‘oh baby, LOOK at those hips – yeah, a little on the thin side but I think they’ll do a delivery JUST FINE!’ So now, see, it is Qwen to me, and so now I can feel WHATEVER I want I am I still a lesbian.
Well until this picture on the next page. A classic erotic Arabian Night tale.
Okay, I admit it, my mind seems to be selectively viewing this scene becuase it arouses me! I KNOW that I am looking at a flat exposed chest. I just prefer to think of it as a AAA breasts with a bit of development needed because LOOK at those hips and that thong, my goodness do they come out (and disappear)! I mean that is erotic right? And who knows or cares if my brain is saying, “But gee, the top is awfully flat!”, the rest of me is saying, “No! Don’t move, don’t start the rocking or the friction! No, stop that, no friction!!!! Okay, yes, eyes say erotic, eyes say (fire inside says), ‘what I see is good for me!’ (I think we might definitely be in gender bender land now!)
Now here we have a scene. Oh, the look of longing from our Uke. The Seme turning.
Is this when they first fell in love? Did the Seme buy the freedom of Qwen from a house of ill repute (though she looks pretty hot!)? Or is this where the Uke waits, waits until the Seme is done with his friends. What is the look saying, “Save me.”, or “I love you.” Or “Come home to me?”
Anyway, here is Qwen, flying back to her love (remember, theoretically she is a boy, but I am going with what my groin is telling ME, and well, maybe I have gone straight because I want to be the one to save the UKE, I want Qwen to be racing home to me!) in a gown with enough fabric to open a shop.
Oh, yeah, I have Linda. Right! Um....well, books are where we get to have fantasy right? So I am sure she will understand!
Ah, and here is Qwen (still in some sort of gown) back in her lover’s arms, bound (a bit literally, but stylishly on one arm) in love.
Or maybe because she keeps getting lost and needing to get rescued, like all the women who fall for the superheroes (Lois Lane could end up having someone shove her off a cliff or point a gun at her in less than 15 minutes, on a desert island!...she just had this knack for it!). Anyway, not loving the big broad chest thing, but hey, at least he had the decency to wax his. And guys are like 25% of the population or something so I suppose someone has to be hetero. Of course if someone like Qwen is classified as a guy I could um, you know, go for doing a little rescuing of Qwen, if that was called for (like Qwen doesn’t need to be rescued from herself/himself about four times a day; probably almost strangled themselves with the mittens up above trying to get them off!). Does that make me straight? And if it does, then where (to be blunt), is the ‘tackle’?
Well, I am going to put my book mark in there for today, though I could go on with more pictures.
Because while it might be snowy outside, I am WARM, and tingling. Woo ha! I wonder where Linda is, and if she will hit me on the head, when I mutter, “Oh Qwen, do you need some rescuing?” Because quite honestly, I don’t think explaining that statement is going to get me any, well...any of ANYTHING, not even if I show the pictures. But right now I am, um, whew, it sure it hot in here!
Anyway, that was my gender bender tour of me going straight (maybe) for a while though the land of Yaoi. But now we are back in Yuri land and I have to get ready for tomorrow, because I think we are having a picnic. And as well all know, while we can’t have PILLOW FIGHTS at picnics, lesbians tend to dress like THIS for them.
Um, well yeah, that’s pretty close if you just imagine jeans and doc martins for a few of our members instead of white gowns. But there probably will be hand holding, is that close enough?
So, this tour of the um, interesting twists of Elizabeth’s mind is over, please don’t leave any luggage behind as you exit the ride, and enjoy your stay in lesbian sleepover land!
On to Part III
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