And I went to Port Angeles, worked, over there on some projects (top secret stuff, naw, just finishing up the postcards). And then I went, and got my packages, of which a couple were missing (boo!) and there were some pleasant surprises (yah!) of which we may have to put up a picture of one and say, “If you sent this to me, WHO ARE YOU?” – because I don’t recognize some things – but that is normal for me.
I also went to the big Hello Kitty Sale and got some cool Hello Kitty swag (I can HEAR you MALES rolling your eyes from here). By the way, if you EVER want to sneak tons of stuff through Customs, just get a girl who is super chipper

I will post some pictures of my swag tomorrow if I can. We had a not so great experience coming back when the boat stopped all engines and DRIFTED for like 20 minutes. Not so exciting as whales. However, Cheryl has returned from her top secret federal training in a remote facility and literally in James Bond style, came from her prop engine plane, stepped off and 20 minutes later was with us on the Coho Ferry. Wow; Cheryl, super agent! Of course Cheryl and I are beginning to act like REAL sisters, which means we are mocking each other, driving each other nuts on road trips, arguing over what songs to play and the like.

I have decided to increase my “Moe” factor. “Moe” is another anime, manga thing where you are ‘cute’ and can’t really be defined, but for instance clumsy girls who apologize in this formal way and then hit their head again, are “Moe.” Since I am actually losing brain power, when I don’t know something, instead of getting aggressive and defensive; because I feel like an idiot. I have a new plan. I am going to try to be “Moe” which is making my eyes REALLY big, looking totally innocent and then saying something that indicates I am hanging on every word while understanding nothing. The advantage is that guys and gals buy me things and I get away with murder. See, here is a Moe girl.

I just finished many, many hours and a couple days work pricing my books, and they are going to the antique book faire tomorrow. There were a few surprises ("The cheapest copy is WHAT? $180, oh lets put $150 on and make someone happy!"). Whether those ones will sell, I can't say, I have to hope they do, instead of the $7 books. But also sold some money in clothes which will go to buy new clothes!
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I believe that something GREAT is coming.

Have a spanking weekend, oops another of those little repressed Freudian slips, I mean have a grand weekend (Be honest, you thought I was going to go for “wanking” didn’t you! No, I do not do that, I went to the ‘proper schools!’ I have class!)
Spanking! Then Boobies! (afterplay is teasing Cheryl! And eating pumpkin loaf - it arrived Wendryn!)
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