That’s a reality which I have never really faced totally until now. I always knew I was unable to walk or losing function or going to die….someday, or someday…..soon. But not today. And so I never dealt WITH today. I am sick today. I am sick tomorrow. I will ALWAYS be sick.
Right now, I am damaged both physically and mentally. I hope that if I allow myself to take care of myself and allow others to help, both of those might be better. And that is a good thing! I have a hard time asking for help because it seems to me that people’s generosity already far exceeds my worth. But if you know how to help me, or want to help me, mentally, physically, I dunno, telepathically! I am asking for help, for me. Because I don’t want to be broken anymore.
This is what makes me happy.

I expressed some of my feelings yesterday. I, in no way wanted anyone to feel guilty, what I expressed was the mental issues faced by a single person, Elizabeth, who has growing mental/brain problems, including emotional lability and loss of memory. She is in pain, she sometimes takes things personally that are not personal. And every weekend, even if five people told her Monday and Tuesday how much they liked her postcards, she or rather I, would not remember what postcard they are talking about. And three days later by Thursday/Friday, I would not know that there had been ANY positive feedback. And yet, I go on. Because it is a GOOD IDEA. Postcards rock!
So, right now, my entire plan of recovery is a) try and not push myself more than 110-140% instead of the 200-225% I normally do each day. And b) to try and FIND good things, remember good things. In fact, what I think about to sleep are my kitten.

Okay, here is something I got from Veralidaine which I actually told her, “Hey, as my cousin, if I don’t get this, I will writhe in the agony from not having it!” until she emailed that she got it for me.

The first thing to do in trying to get better, according to the EFM plan, is to try and escape your PRESENT life.

First off, I would like to spend some time with my books and my bed.

I have always had a love for books and I used to walk and read at the same time. I used to bicycle and read at the same time. For some reason, when walking I would always stop about 2 inches from a pole, then see it, go around and continue reading. People would come up to me and say, “I saw you reading and walking….and you are still alive!” like it was the most amazing thing in the world. I don’t go anywhere without a book. And this picture right here is what I looked like from grade 5 to finishing my doctorate.

Elizabeth McClung
P.O. Box 2560
Port Angeles, WA
This is the current number one need for David (costs more than cat food for him) and I will pay for shipping of any bottles airmail, or registered to him. He cannot get it in Japan and his kittens need it. He built an extension on his house so now he houses 75 cats in his home until he finds homes for them. I think he has seven kittens right now. I like kittens.

I like cats, I think a lot of people do. If I see a cat, I want to pet it. Sadly, having a device with many wheels in which tails might be run over make cats run FAR away from me. And they don’t respond to peanuts! So I rarely if ever get to pet a cat, much less a kitten. If I had it to do over again, I would definitely pet a lot more kittens

Now, before we move on to more cats (and catgirls!), I have a tendency as does Linda to read a book until it is very late at night.

Okay, on to things like catgirls, because what would be better than finding yourself on a desert island than with catgirls?

Of course, I also love this picture called three sister, with two cats and a cat girl.

But being one with animals, I would love to do that: to have animals come to me. In my local area while I wheel around I have seen squirrels, raccoons, two owls, one in flight right above me, otters, seals, baby seals, and a bald eagle. Which isn’t bad for a 1 mile radius URBAN area, I also see deer when I go to get my wheelchair refitted. This is one of the reasons I came back to Canada, I missed the animals. Unfortunately, they don’t leap on me as in this picture

Okay, another thing you can do to try and be less insane and more happy is called ‘retail therapy.’ If you have never HEARD of this, then please, allow me to instruct you, just remember to bring your credit card.

There is of course, comfort food! And who hasn’t a favorite dessert or recipe that is favorite comfort food. One of the things I am sad and frustrated about is spending an afternoon making Lasagna from scratch including the red wine & meat sauce (actually port works great if you have some left over after Xmas! Expensive but GREAT).

Of course, I know that a lot of my readers are able bodied and also dog lovers, and knitters and crafters, and actors, and do all sorts of things so do for you, what you need to in order to feel that glow inside. For me, it was a run along the waterfront, a 10K course I had plotted out along the cliffs on a sunny day. I remember running in a running top with short sleeves and people looking at me like I was nuts (I used to have high circulation before my disease so I warmed up quickly as I didn’t have body fat). So go and play with your dog/s (but wear trainers/running shoes for goodness sakes! Girly fashion taken too far!)

Finally, FANTASY. I was going to talk about the M word – masterbati… But I decided to just say FANTASY instead. Isn’t that a nicer word? Well, lets say that Linda reads HER romances (and thank you for those who bought them for her, she has devoured them over the holiday and is on her last one so I will have to post some new ones tomorrow!) and I read mine. Mine involve girls like this in my bathroom in the morning.

I’m trying to let you know that no, I’m not better and I am learning that physically and mentally I will never BE better. I will be sick and sicker. I do need people around me all the time because I do repeat conversation, I do get lost in my apartment, I do get ‘confused.’ And yet, even though I have no idea what day it is, I can write this blog. I AM trying to stop being in a head space where dying sounds good, and I am trying to find a way to deal with this physical pain until I can get better meds. And I am trying: I am admitting that I NEED help. That yes, I will ALWAYS put anyone else first. But maybe, I need to accept that I don’t have that luxury anymore, or that some or many of the people want me to be there for them, yes, but only as I am safely able to do so. And that they would rather see me as mentally stable and physically healthy as I can be (in order to enact my new crazy plan) than to exhaust myself to the point where I go, to use a Welch saying, “Away with the fairies!” ("the elevator doesn't go to the top floor.", "doolalee", "Tup", "There are splinters in the windmill of my mind")
Thank you for your concern. Thank you. I have a particularly taxing medical test tomorrow which will leave me drained and nauseous all day but I will be trying to take care of myself and even (GASP) letting others take care of me. I might even try this radical plan until Linda and/or Cheryl declares that I am sort of sane. Thanks for being with me, on the downs. And so here I am, trying to find a way up.
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