Someone asked me how could I grow up in the environment I did and still be…well, me. I did it because I choose hard.

I think most people know what it is like to be alone, and not in a nice way, but where no one waits for you, cares about you. There are no phone calls for you, there is no post for you, and there is no one who wants to know how your day went and no one who cares if you were knocked down.

I did that, I made that mistake. I thought I could just have ‘a bad phase’ as part of my history. Except I’ve had nightmares for every night Linda has known me and intense, horrific nightmares for the last several years: a nest of maggots in my head while I try to keep my boss happy and then keep falling down from my hair, trapped under a corpse while people skin my feet, start skinning my hands. Sometimes it isn’t even the dreams, with everyone I have trusted coming after me with knives, but the feeling, the never ending dripping horror, the one that makes you wake with a gasp, and shudder because you know you WILL have to sleep sometimes and then the razor wire will be used on your vagina while you are strung up, or you will be thrown from a cliff until the bones show through the skin.

I follow what is hard. I was a young teen when I understood that Jesus, as written in the gospels, was verbally abused cruelly, was called the sorts of named I was being called; crazy, stupid, of unwed relations, of inbred relations, everything they could think of. And then there was the physical violence. And yet, every day, this person went out and honestly cared, cared about people he KNEW would hurt him. I believe that even on the final night when he greeted Judas he honestly said, “Friend.” Because even then he knew that this person still had a choice and could have been his friend. Oh, we tell ourselves we don’t have choices, but we do, from how we respond to how our boss speaks to us,

I decided that I would try in every way in every minute to care about people. This decision has caused me more pain and isolation than any other I have made. It has left me fragile, not just one day, but every day. Because I open myself completely; I open myself emotionally and give that to a stranger. I give it to an acquaintance. I give my heart to a friend. And every one has at different times and different ways, reached in and ripped me up. And thrown me aside.

And yet, simply because it is hard, doesn’t mean it wrong. And until I believe it is wrong, I will continue. And as fragile. Just this evening I got a message posted publicly that a man, not a gentle man, wished to be my caregiver. Because then when I am alone and helpless he could stuff his c**k in my mouth and (it went on for some time, there are many things he wants to do). And yet, I have literally had people ask me to send someone like him a postcard, and to fill with it with as much love as I could. And I did, because I could imagine the pain and loneliness it would take to bring that level of hatred/anger at another human. Oh yes, it did make me shake, but I did it. I will do it again.
Only now, my capacity to make decisions is being limited, because my ability to think or speak or do either is being affected. I wrote a short while ago about regression and memory confusion, in a post which I hope will help anyone who has a relative with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or other cognitive disorders. I remind people of this post because I don’t know if I will be able to write like that again. There are many types of hell and hearing the ones you love in anguish, and grieving because you exist and they see what this disease is doing is one type of hell. But I fight by going on. I must go on. Because there will be more types of degeneration, and I will need to narrate that.
Some times, some days, I am a confused child, I have the fragility of a young child and the innocence as well,

This disease has tested me but it also has tested you. Yes, if you are reading this, then like everyone you have choices. I get to say things that others don’t (or won't) because of 3 minutes and 35 seconds. That was how long Cheryl counted before she started the ambi-bag on me. I stopped breathing for 3:35 minutes (and I guess beyond when she breathed for me). At four minutes permanent brain damage occurs. How many seconds did it take her to notice I wasn’t breathing, to start counting? 10? 20 seconds? More? So what do I have to lose? I have four minutes telling me, make the words count. So I say to you, what makes you so different? What are you doing to make things count? If you are sitting on a fence, get the fucking splinters out of your ass and get down here.
I don’t have long realistically, and while I may PLAN for the rest of this year, I may also die, I would have died or ended up on machines if Cheryl had not been there, yesterday. So, yeah, you got stuff going on in your life. And yeah, there are people dying in other countries. Except they don’t creep you out like me, because I am like you. I am the person who exercised, who ate right, who shouldn’t be dying, isn't that right? And if someone who has traveled on five continents and seen the wonders of the ancient world, who owned a used bookstore, written an award winning book, competed nationally in sports, and has a raft of degrees is dying in a horrid way...why that means you could.
I’m not overweight, I’m not watching TV, I’m not on welfare. Indeed, I have paid in for 20 years to social security in three different countries: the US, Canada and the UK, and I have received nothing back EVER: no unemployment insurance, no disability pension, nada. Currently, I don’t even qualify for the provincial assistance for payment of my medications. So, I am not any cliche or stereotype. So yeah, scary. Look at your life and realize that 1 in 35 women will get MS, 1 in 700 will get Lupus.

So what DO you do? What are you? Are you the consistent comforter, I have a few people who do send me emails every day, expecting nothing in return, simply to let me know that people out there, like me, care. The emails they write give me the human contact I have lost. They stop for me, they wait, they spend time.

Or are you part of the group which helps me fight,

Or are you part of the very few who are here to clean up the mess; who either in person or financially, are here to comfort, to protect, to make feel secure a person who does not understand much except I don’t understand and it is scary.

And with Linda still disabled, and off at her doctors or in a drug reaction or sleeping, while I am not EXCATLY the two year old who drags out the white flour and decides to decorate the carpet, I can still cause a bit of a mess (unintended), sometimes financial, sometimes putting me in an emotional withdrawal. Someone or a couple someone’s has to be there, to set things right, to clean up the mess, to get me out of the withdrawal.

I smiled once in the last three days. I was putting stickers on postcards (I think we did 48 or so), and I said, “I like doing this.” Because the thing is, I can be resplendent. I wore a spider web corset yesterday and I am working so that I can even feel things like ‘happy’ or ‘fun’ and so that I am more. That I transcend, because it doesn’t really matter if I am diminished mentally, I can still be very resplendent, that in giving myself entirely to something else, I someone become more than myself.

So get off the fence and ask Cheryl or Linda (click on Girl’s Gotta Fly and profile for email), what needs there are. You too can be more, more than you are. And you know what, I think coming down and giving that a try is a good idea.

There is beauty out there, and fragility, and I will find it, because I hold both in me, and I can find them in others, in the secret and open places.

But if you are just going to run away or watch in horror because you don’t want this to be you, or you think I am plucky, you are missing everything. You are missing a once in a lifetime experience because….what…someone was mean to you in junior high?

I am a meteor; I am burning. Now, you can either draw the drapes in case the light bothers you, or you can watch, maybe with a loved one. You can be part of this, you have a choice, I don’t.

I burn at both ends, I will not last the night; but ah my foes, and oh my friends; I give a lovely light.
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