N.D.Y., cats and the name game.
I am sick, I am very, very sick. I am on a re-breather oxygen mask and I’m not really expecting things to get better soon
(purplish-black is so much better for hand/arm color anyway!). I keep telling people, “If you know anyone making a zombie film, let them know I can be an extra and they don’t have to pay for make-up!” That is my next few days.
So that is the down side. The other down side is I have an Angelina Jolie action film and I am TOO sick to watch that – now that is the true face of desperate times!
Okay the good news is my new motto: N.D.Y. (Not Dead Yet) – Someone asked me how it was going, “N.D.Y.” – anything above N.D.Y. is a good thing. Not always a FUN thing but still a good thing, right? So say it with me, “Not Dead Yet!”
No, I’m not dead yet.....but I won’t be blogging tomorrow either, that’s for sure!
Okay, the other good news is that I am now a kitty owner….of sorts. Yes, one of my readers, bought me a plushie kitty, while another one of my readers bought me an anime hat, you know the ones you wear on the way to the Anime Con.
Yes, I am now, one of ‘them’, the people you try not to stand next too on the bus. But here I am on the day I got the gifts, one of my better hours of a not so bad day (one seizure cycle later at night). See, this is the advantage of being Dead Girl Wheeling, is that I finally get to wear hats with ears without being aged 5 or 8 and I don’t give a darn what anyone thinks (oh, no, do you think this picture might not help me with my career!?). And I can go all anthropomorphic with my kitty (acting as if an inanimate object was a living thing – you know, like people do when they yell at their computer!) and plan all sorts of outing like watching falling stars
and whatever we can imagine. The reality will be that I will likely hold it when, a) I am watching DVD’s, b) I am scared (25% of the day), c) post seizure or d) when I am stroking it slowly while instructing my minions.
I wish I had some great story that I saved my kitten from a burning house
and that is why it came to live with me instead of being gifted. Maybe that comes later, when one of my loving care workers smokes next to my oxygen mask, which is on maximum oxygen continuous flow.
I do however have one problem. The kitty came named (tag on it) Paws. Which is ludicrious, it is like calling my cat ‘nose’ or ‘fur.’ So now I, instead of Tammy, need some help in naming my new addition. What do I call my kitty (female by the way, sarcastic and mildly telepathic)? And anyone suggesting something like “Mr. Mittens” will be taken out back and pelted with Beatrix Potter books. Please, I need help. As all I have so far I have, “Death by a thousand scratches.” Which is not going to be easy to call for her to leap into my lap (no I know it doesn’t leap, I pick it up, still……).
Anyway, I want to take good care of my cat so it can grow up to be a catgirl of which I a proud, and go off after graduating whatever school all those catgirls go to
in order to become maids or whatever else. So 1) help with a name and 2) try not to die until I see Angelina Jolie slide across the floor one more time.
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