I am not in a hospital as I will explain later and I am seeking a palliative hospice. Yeah, due to a change, or info, we can applying for a palliative care program and hospice. I want this. If I could go into palliative care hospice, I wouldn’t be a patient, because there is no cure, so I get a name back. In a hospice the people who are used to the needs and limitations of palliative patients would assist me. And Linda would have a real break, she could recover. As it is now, I have surpassed the abilities of regular care workers. I need people who understand that I might not have strength to lift a drink, or transfer on my own. I might have many TIA’s (small strokes) a day, have memory regression

Where am I medically today? My left eardrum has a significant rupture from a blood pressure spike from my aorta. The left side has a different blood pressure, much like each arm on me (not you!) has a different blood pressure. In this case, the high blood pressure (most likely diastolic) found a weak spot and exploded out. When I used a Q-tip on the tip on the side of my ear, it changed the shape of the eardrum, opening the rupture and letting the blood flow out. There is still blood behind the eardrum, and tomorrow I will need to see if it needs draining. Thus the dizziness. More problematically, if one side of the arteries going to my brain has a very high blood pressure, my chances for a massive stroke are dramatically increased. I also have intermittent fevers, dementia, blindness, and got food poisoning, and the seizures and pain are back. And I pass out a lot, and stop breathing a lot, and am unable to convert enough oxygen which increases my pain dramatically. BUT the heart murmur wasn't permanant damage, though I have increased erratics. Beyond that, things are stable.
While I would love to say I stayed in bed with some books and the victorian silver mirror sent to me by a reader, and Miko,

So why am I not in a hospital? Because hospitals are great about stabilizing conditions but pretty terrible about getting sleep. Anyone who has been with eight people in ICU or critical care know that a lot of machines make a lot of noise. My medications make me extremely noise sensitive.

See, a particularly spice made it past my pro-biotics. Well since I have no flora or fauna anything not stopped by the pro-biotics means irritation and well, let’s say lots of time in the bathroom. And no absorbtion of food (so no energy). And the shutting down of systems like: sight, hearing, touch, oxygen conversion, blood pressure, and an increase of seizures. Like the one which seperated my shoulder today (tore a bunch of muscles). Plus it gave me partial paralysis; in my writing hand too! So I lie there with Miko guarding the world for me.

And that is what is hitting me, as I lie there, reading when I can, books which are gifts from kind other people (and thank you SO much for that - big quality of life jump),

Does that mean there is a cure, a slowing, a stopping in my variation of Multiple System Atrophy? No, but damn if I’m not going to keep trying. We just got a whole six pack of news and Linda is trying to process it. She will be making a blog post soon (tomorrow, I think) and I recommend you read it because it will likely change our lives, hers and mine; one way or another. Right now, I need to lie as still as possible but I also need to have an electric wheelchair delivered and fitted, a full brain MRI done, the final legal signing of will, medical intent, living will, etc as well as other medical appointments. How that news will blow my life apart, I don't know yet.
But as I lie in pain waking in the night, what I think of, and what lashes me, if I can move is that there are people out there who I can still help. Even a postcard can be a help.

Tomorrow Cheryl will leave with postcards, because I broke down in tears tonight at the thought that I left others as I promised I never would.

So it is 6:00 am, time for me to go to sleep, as I am on the mask with black fingertips and purple hands. Tomorrow, Cheryl takes with her what I can do, a few packages in what two weeks of planning and the energy of a week used in a few mornings could do. And some postcards, always the postcards. People have given: to me, to Linda, to help us survive, both the mental and physical battle. Thank you.
That is what I was doing before when I was pulled from the computer, frozen, unable to move. Saying good-byes. When I go, be it in five days or five years I will be found doing. YES, I need to rest, and if I keep going as I am, my life expectancy is dramatically decreased. So I am going to rest, going to say “No” and lie in bed. Going to sleep. But I am never giving up; I will never leave a person ravaged and abused by the medical system alone if I can help it. I can’t always be there, but I can try to be there when I can. Just as others have shown me, by their example: the people who write me daily, who write me weekly, who care and contribute. I want to say it is in FAR excess of what I deserve...but who am I to take away another's choice. Sometimes, we are far more fortunate in our friends than we would deserve. I have been.
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