Badminton with Beth: the secret facial expressions of power!
Sometimes badminton can get a bit ugly. No, not the attitudes of players, I am talking about my facial expressions.
It turns out I have spent SO much time alone that I have forgotten the first rule of socializing, “smile, smile, smile!” You look so pretty, oh so pretty with a smile! No matter what you are doing: Go Social Conditioning!
One of my workers saw a picture of me from a few years ago and said, “Wow, you must of gotten that taken when you were REALLY young!” Um, er, I said, “Actually, auto-immune diseases are not really known for being great on the skin.” Sigh, I better start dragging out the facial night cream, and doing make up on days she comes, since I can’t take that kind of slapping twice. Ouch!
It had been two weeks as I had to take the Wednesday off from after the 10K. I just did two games and they were better games, lighter, close, again, loses, but close matches 12-15 in one with a comeback. I just got brain tired. One guy was a tough player and I served several aces on him. He was not amused so the next game he served all over, I had to be ready to back up, to swivel sideways, to do anything, and after he got two aces, I shut that second game down and we made another comeback, but lost. It was intense but fun-intense. I tried my hardest, and that is all everyone asked of themselves. That type of fun where you do something together, everyone trying hard, and see what happens.
Please remember, I am a trained professional, do not try these facial expressions at home. Like you would!
This is about as good as it gets, at the beginning of the match.
I am developing a pot which has something to do with ‘cut muscles’ or ‘nerve dead supporting muscles’, it is irritating because I actually have a firm hard stomach underneath but there is the pot. I really, really want to go on a diet but Linda says since I am still malnourished in several vitamins and other stuff I can’t (I have a pot, yet I am malnourished?). Anyway, as the match goes on, I pull out all the stops, which includes the staring at one side while serving to the other (misdirection) and the confusing my opponents with the ‘What the hell is wrong with her?!’ psych expression!
I am just telling you that, I would love to say I intended that face instead of just finding it on the pictures later.
I am noticing now that I need not just more physical stamina but mental stamina too. As you can see here in an early shot, my opponent is getting ready to slam the yellow birdie, and I am positioning myself to receive it and return it.
That is how badminton is supposed to be played. However, when I get tired, I tend to have to remind myself that I am still in the game. So here we have the ‘wow, look at the birdie go!” expression
when I really should be wheeling myself into position for when they hit it back, but no, I am too dazed and fascinated by the pretty birdie in the air!
Of course there were exceptions, like this face where I am going, "Is it in, is it out, looks out but, OMG! It is IN? It is IN?"
Remember, these are advanced facial looks and I do not suggest an amateur try them. Here as you can see, I am using the ‘mind focus’ technique to ‘will’ my birdie where I want it to go.
Either than or I am low on oxygen and a little stoned, not quite sure. I have noticed that while with repetition I can hit the birdies that come in range, I can’t deal with speed beyond a certain level. It is just too fast for my nerves to get to my spine or brain and respond. So I need to stop watching the birdie and watch the player, have my racket up and be where the birdie might be is my best bet to work back up to an adequate player.
For today, lots of wheeling and stretching and I sweated a little bit (odd thing, I shaved my pits two weeks ago, and only a very little has grown back, I think the sweat in my pits is limited to those glands, and I need to get more ‘glow’ going, but it cuts down on the shaving!), a slight sheen on my torso. So far nothing on my head or neck, both of which are causing overheating issue. But still, good plan, and when I return, on to boxing!
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