I have been trying to get a GP, but so has everyone else, and so it is now more like applying for a job where you list a medical history and conditions, apply and if you get contacted in a few weeks, you go for a ‘meet and greet’. I finally got one of these ‘meet and greets’ – the only one so far since the last ‘I’m not YOUR doctor” episode. There was multi-page follow up paperwork which included (I do not jest) “What do you consider your greatest accomplishment” and “What aspect of your life do you wish to improve the most?” I put, "Gain access to health care."
The tragic part is that the GP and I got on very well, including the appreciation (instead of being threatened) by the proactive stance I had taken toward trying to treat my illness and prolong my lifespan. The heart of the Doctor said yes, logic said no. It was their first year in practice, and they had a completely wheelchair friendly office (including ramps and parking spaces), but not enough experience with the specialist in town or contacts with those out of town to be able to assist me, or take responsibility of my life-span.
What made this more difficult is that just before meeting the GP, Linda and I had been informed that due to the budget, the government was reducing jobs and that could include her. So yes, people are going to be laid off, anyone is up for the axe and we won't know until....sometimes soon.

I am a female who, the GP determined, in now incapable of working any hours in a job, is COMPLETELY dependant on Linda (yet still can't qualify for social assistance); and that insurance and income is now threatened. Not only that, that means the death benefits to bury me, and make sure Linda is able to pay back any debts incurred while paying for equipment or other costs would be gone, as I have some death benefits not requiring a doctor’s examination. I doubt any other insurance would take me on, much less pay for the levels that the current insurance is paying. Since I am not sure if there is a system in my body that hasn’t been affected and thus a ‘pre-existing’ condition.
To add to the general joy, the company across the street are hammering, the ‘we will knock down the house on X date” was two months off but the ‘we will build Sept/Oct’ is right on: they are already working doing hammering (yes, the building permit isn’t through yet but for developers things like LAWS don’t apply) and have and are using a earth mover (digging permit not through yet either according to city hall). They knocked down 4 houses and are building 16 in the space of the four houses. One of the houses was supposed to be designated a Heritage house as it was built by a famous architect over 100 years ago. The developer told the city council the house could not be repaired or moved and even if it could, that the ‘green houses’ he was building would be the equivalent in positive value to the city as a heritage house. Gosh, I wish I had thought up things like that when I was a kid: “Mom and Dad, the school night I am spending out at a party will be the collective value of doing my homework and going to bed by the socializing element.” That kinda sounds like BS. The more bad news is that it will be construction for 14 months. And with my health, I simply don’t know if that kind of assault is possible. The company owner who manages 80 apartments promised long ago to let us know of ANY two bedrooms and we would get first priority. That seems to have slipped his mind as well. Loverly.
So I am off to get refills on the prescription medicine that I don’t know if I will be able to afford later on. It is a WEE tense here.

Oh and my veins have withdrawn to the point where getting blood is going to be difficult. Let’s just say that it is very, very hard for me to bruise as my skin doesn’t have any blood IN IT to be broken, or the next quarter inch down. And don’t ask how I know that.
The weather forcast: High levels of fear to terror for the near future, followed by sounds of hammering (thwack, thwack, thwack) for the rest of the day, if not the next 500 days. The reason we didn’t move is that a) there is not a street around here that is not going to have major construction in the next while near it and b) I was much healthier then. We thought I could survive, with sound plugs on the windows, and headphones like they use to guide planes. Except summer is still going and we need the air conditioners in each room. That lets a direct line of sound in. Also I am much, much weaker, and being bedridden with the sound of construction stopping any sleep or rest….
Arg! Too many things out of control. Stay tuned for further developments.
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