THE GUILD #1 - I've never heard of Felicia Day or The Guild, but I'll peek at anything with Jim Rugg's name on it (he did the art here) and when I flipped through this dude at the shop, I saw a clever story about online gaming (another thing I know zero about). Can't wait to give it a closer read!

ORC STAIN #2 - I finally got around to issue #1 last week and loved its rich world and potential therein like I loved Mourning Star the first time I read that! Weee!

KING CITY #6 - This is the last of the reprinted material from the original Tokyopop manga and I'm so happy it's stayed on schedule. This and Orc Stain on the same day? Fun comics win the day.

MUPPET SHOW #3 - I almost didn't grab this, but a flip-thru showed me the gang on a road trip and I KNOW that's gonna make me giggle. Too bad I didn't get the other cover.
FLOTATION DEVICE #11 - I've never heard of this zine, but gave it a gander cause of the Ted May cover and was SUPER surprised to find a one-off autobio comic about author Keith Helt's love affair with making zines backed by art by guys such as Kevin Huizenga, Jeffrey Brown, Anders Nilsen, Lili Carre, and many more artists I love. I know the store is cleaning out its stock room, so maybe they found a lost copy of this 2005 book? But, man, in the first story ALONE, you get Huizenga drawing Anders meeting with Helt and John Porcellino for a road trip to a zine convention! Jog knows what I'm saying...

CRIME WORLD - Creator David King got me pumped with his book Danny Dutch last year, so I took a chance on this mini crime tale.

BUZZ #2 - I missed this one-lady anthology from Corinne Mucha at some point, but had issue #3. Glad I found it!

MY EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT - I don't think I've ever seen this funny story about what it means to be single from Corinne Mucha, so I grabbed it!

LITTLE NOTHINGS VOL. 3: UNEASY HAPPINESS - Dave kept telling me this newest volume of Lewis Trondheim's watercolored autobio comic was out, but I never saw it on any sales lists and Amazon said it wouldn't be on sale for another few weeks. And then there it was at Hanley's. Like some magically free doughnut I found under a desk, I grabbed it with my chubby fingers. Nom.
Stuff I didn't get but wanted to:
TEN THOUSAND THINGS TO DO #6 - I picked up a copy but must've set it down, cause I got home and didn't have it. Sad face. I'm sure I can just get it at MoCCA in a few weeks.
THE ART OF JAIME HERNANDEZ - This big-ass beaut looks (and smells!!) terrific, but I can't manage the $40 price right now. I could stare at his art all day...
THE BOOK OF GRICKLE - Totally prepped to buy this, I'm glad I looked inside first, cause it looks like I have everything collected within already. But I'm glad it's all in one easy package for new readers!! I foresee this being a gift I'll give over and over and over.
HERO HOUSE - My good friend Justin's superheroes-in-college graphic noevl shipped this week with a cover by Ed McGuinness! It's funny and a great time, so check it out!
(Quick disclaimer: I borrow a LOT of stuff from Ben each week from Marvel, so I don't always buy single issues of the Marvel books. And I get everything from DC, WildStorm, Vertigo, and Zuda for free, so I never really buy anything from them unless I'm picking up for somebody else. So don't take my exclusion of DC stuff as a sign that the books aren't good enough to buy. They are. So there.)
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