Off to Sakura-Con 2010 we go!
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, off to Sakura-con we go! We have packed 2 wheelchairs, (mumble) suitcases and some things to be signed by Noizi Ito (a favorite artist of mine, I even have an art doujinshi!). There is the World Premier of Trigun, 3 weeks before it opens in Japan, only so far… subtitles. Will keep hoping for subtitles.
We are all planning on going to the Masque Ball, and I am hoping to go to: Noizi Ito Autographing, Tea Ceremony, Kendo (martial art with bamboo swords – as shown in Bamboo Blade), Iaido (Martial Art), the Dazzle Vision concert as well as panels on various subjects. Jennie Breeden of The Devil’s Panties
and Mayumi Tanaka, the voice of Pazu in Laputa: Castle in the Sky will also be there. So OFF we go (in 35 minutes!)
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