But it is a really interesting post about the lie of ‘Normal.’ Diversity is ‘Normal’: did you know that over 3 MILLION women in US and Canada have one of the four of the most common intersex conditions. 1) Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome – an XY female who does not have a uterus and because they cannot absorb Androgen, they end up looking very, very beautiful. But neither Christianity, the ‘science’ of the west, or feminism, has created or defended a place for an XY female.

2) MRKH – a female grows up and does not have menstruation, because the Uterus is small, misshappen or absent. The male gynocologists are more obsessed however with the absence of a vagina (no vagina, no heterosexual sex, whether there is female pleasure or not, no ‘Normal’, so pressure to dilate or create a vagina is pushed on the teens/females in early 20’s who are confused and scared with ‘What is wrong with me’ – the solution, ‘You need heterosexual sex’). Not so great unless you like lots of pain and dialation. And it ignores bisexual lesbians and asexual women. Asexual women, those who desire no sex, are over 1% of the population, but are "oppressed by a consensus that they are nonexistent," and left behind by both the sexual revolution and feminist movement. (a true statement from an academic paper now 40 years old – what has been done in two generations to acknowledge and give rights and protection to them?)
3) congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), the adrenal gland makes extra androgen which results in facial hair, body development, hair loss and other androgen related conditions. In some ethnic communities this is more common than 1 in 300 births
4) Turners Syndrome: is a disorder caused by the loss of genetic material from one of the sex chromosomes (an X) – often women literally have just one chromosome, an X. So things like puberty may never happen without intervention. Talk about traumatic teenage years.

A couple million women and yet no one wants to talk about it. In the Olympics, 1 in 400 athletes failed the ‘chromosome’ sex test, and yet all were proven to be female. ALL. Which is why the IOC dropped it. The Athletics and other organizations did not. So, due to the ‘embarressment’, the ‘other’, the ‘they don’t look right’, the not willing to talk about it, over 2% of the women in North America will never be able to compete at the Olympics (coming next month).
Just one of these conditions is more common than Lupus, and yet we never talk about it, never hear about it, even though we know in our life, as we pass by people in the stores, the woman serving our latte, many, many women with intersex conditions. But the first thing the gynecologist tells them: “Keep this a secret”
Being human is something to be ashamed about.
That’s the teaser for tomorrow’s blog. Also, guess which intersex condition I am currently getting tested for! Get it right and win…..this NEW CAR! (I’m sorry, I was channelling Bob Barker and the Price is Right). No, um, how about, a nice postcard? My medical book on treating various military burns including flame-throwers and napalm?
Oh, the world is spinning again. I am feverish sick.
I have been feverish because my body is too weak that multiple systems are not able to function correctly. This has gone on for days. I finally decided that one hour every two days of non-fever was not actually ‘reserves’. So I am to bed, as I was all yesterday. Yes, you heard it. The mighty has FALLEN!: E.F.M. is at rest (the short term, not the ‘we put you in an incinerator’ kind). See, I do know the meaning of the word ‘rest’. I just happen to not learn quickly. But if I win the post and lose Beth by dying, that is overall a loss. So I rest.
At a tribute to my hallucinations, the rest of the blog will be illustrated as “Beth and Linda, the Yaoi version.”
First Linda had to come rescue me from where I was flushed and fevered.

(Is it wrong that I WANT to have that ass? I know it is a guy/uke but what a delectable ass, particularly if Linda found it so, I could transfer and wheel around naked all the time! Yum!)
So last night, I had a fever so high I was doing a ‘Taxi/Untouchables’ to my small cat plushie called ‘pounce.’ “You looking at ME!” I was shouting at 1:00 a.m. from my pillow, “You looking at ME! You land on me, you put one of us in the hospital, we put one of you in the morgue!” (I had a really great Scottish accent too). Linda turned Pounce’s head so she wasn’t looking down at me and was able to calm me down and get me to sleep.

Asleep until 4 a.m. when I woke up and started talking to my pillow and the ice pack under it. One ice pack I call “Mr. Four.”
“Bring back Mr. Four!” I asked Linda, “Mr. Four’s friend has a limp handshake, and lacks his firm resolve and fortitude!”
Poor Linda.
Today, I have been sustaining myself on Pocky, and now it is off to bed.

Off to bed.
My full blog post including PCOS, FSD, RSD and more of the diversity of being female is tomorrow. That is a diversity not under the oppression of ‘Normal,’ Because who DOES fit those images or expectations thrown at you every hour by society regarding being perky but non-confrontational, having the right body shape, the ‘can do everything, work, have a perfect relationship and host a dinner for 14!’ expections until you feel like an ‘other’, and ‘outsider’ and if in any way genetically different, a ‘freak.’
I hate that word. To know that simply by being born with a condition of genetic diversity, your only option a few generations ago was a sideshow…..not a good headspace.
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