Elizabeth McClung (for Cheryl)
P.O. Box 2560
Port Angeles, WA
That would be really kind. If you want to be extra kind, please send pocky (actually you can send to both of us,

I haven’t been out much but every time I go, I try to record something different. The fact that I have my own immune system literally chewing through my brain helps me get a ‘different’ perspective. This is what the trees look like outside the video store.

Trying to use up the blue cross while we had it, I had been to the optometrist and this was my reward (When I haven’t been hungry or thirsty for a couple years, and the only taste buds I have are at the back of my throat and in my nose, plus if I get excited I stop breathing, the whole motivation/reward thing gets odd). The optometrist dropped another of those little bombs, the ones that let me know that even if being ‘terminal’ is somehow in my mind, my body is changing, both rapidly and permanently for the worse. The muscles in my left eye (the one the eyepatch is on in pictures) aren’t working correctly. To avoid getting double images my brain has been more and more ignoring the left eye entirely. Inoperable, just another bit of the brain gone wrong.
She asked, “So have you found this has affected your driving?”
I told her, “Honestly, I can say that this eye problem has not diminished my driving one bit,

Optomitrist: “Ohh?” puzzled.
Linda: “She doesn’t drive, since she passes out…”
Me: “Not EVERY time!”
Linda: “….and she has seizures.”
Me: “Those are getting less frequent.”
Linda: “So, no, she doesn’t drive.”
Me: “Yet! I haven’t had an accident in years!”
I have to hope that one day Linda will let me drive (or more like absent mindedly hand me the keys). Okay, true that now I can’t feel my legs as the massive bruises on the back of my legs Cheryl found this weekend indicated, but again, if those kids can do it with sticks and stuff in the movies, I am sure I can too.
We decided to go out to the Bengal Lounge, but getting in was, er, complicated and for wheelchairs involved starting a series of switchback ramps (four of them) which started behind the bus depot.

We were not the only ones to want to go to the Bengal Lounge, and it had a long wait.

But here are some of the masks we saw in the Gallery Quality stores in the Empress Hotel.

In the other gallery, they had more contemporary Native art including this amazing piece of Jade sculpture, which has three types of unfinished, finished and a special polish all of the SAME piece of connected Jade.

Well, the rule of three is that in any attempt for something new, 1 time it will be FANTASTIC! One time it will be okay and one time it will be a disaster. Going home with no booze, no jazz, and no talking in the lounge, it was pretty much a disaster. We worked on the postcard project instead, using postcards sent as gifts from the tip of South America among others.

Outside the construction has moved to the front, only 20 feet away and so louder than ever. It is a race between our sound bafflers on the room and the heat, since once we need to put in an air conditioner in the room, all the sound baffles will be useless and sleep will be hard to come by. Today, while taking pictures for the blog (from the art I have), we caught one of the workers doing laundry. He was spreading his work clothes on the cement and spraying them with a high power hose, then washing them and high power hosing them again.

Tomorrow HAS to be a bed day for me.

“How can the world just carry on? How can everything carry on?” It is one thing to find out that I am not irreplaceable at work (not that they can do the work AS WELL, just that they can find 2 or 3 people to get some of it done), but quite another to find that I am redundant as a human being.
No one walking by thinks ‘who is up there’, even the workers who dictate my life and sleep probably don’t know what I look like or my name. In bed, without access to a computer I strive to gain back the reserves I need but…
My life I have spent trying to give 100%, and failing. I worked from the age of a tween, real paid work, and before that as a ‘trader’. I have always worked, and exercise, ready to ride or walk when needed. I went to university and had a full time job and an overload schedule. I scheduled every single minute and yet I KNEW I wasn’t giving 100%. Somewhere, between the breathing, the racing to school on my bike, making a new record and on weekends riding my bicycle to the top of mountains, or running them, it wasn’t enough.
Two years ago, I went on a picnic and came very close to dying (CTD in EMT speak: circling the drain). An EMT saw a gravestone and said, ‘That’s what we should put on your grave’ – it was a large single word carved in stone: REST.
Since then, as the daily activities have taken three times the amount of time as muscles and nerves die, then five, then ten times, I am always busy, always behind on things to do. Only now – free of the human feelings of burning and choking to tell me when I am deprived of oxygen, or the warnings for when I am working too long for my muscles as they lock up, or my spine locks. Nor do I get warning when my hands stop working as my spinal column is squeezed, or I pass out from working so hard, there just isn’t enough oxygen to keep me awake, but I don’t stop. I type with a finger, a bit of thumb, a nose, a tooth.
Now, I give 100%.
And it isn’t enough. And I don't know why.
The last while I have been more than pensive,

The truth is that I am terrified.

So every day, every hour I do things that I used to think, “Put me out of my misery if I get like that.” Do I laugh now?
The secret that no one wants to know is that pain can be, not endured, but altered, there are tricks, like warping focus and grim will. Maybe it is because I did things that most people thought impossible while able bodied but I manipulate this body to the brink of death and beyond. Slap yourself hard to produce enough endorphins to counter the nerve pain, concentrate on the next letter in this post in order to not think about the pain in the spine, which flares so high I have to consciously disconnect the vomit reflex to stop the pain from making me vomit.
Imagine an arm on fire. Now imagine that the arm is on fire…..forever. Many people would rest, would curl up but I wondered, ‘can I move it?’ and I did, and it still hurt…..but I moved it. And if I moved it, maybe I can lean on it, maybe I can do something with it.
Yes, I have muscle pain, I have bone pain, I have fatigue (but the truth as some have found is to use the pain and the feeling of the knife at my throat to force me to move while with fatigue. No, it isn’t the worry and terror that if I don’t move the feeling of the knife will continue slit my throat it is rather the promise that I will. Peace.

If only broken bones would slow me down. And so, like the trees above the video store, I try to find anything of joy, anything that reminds me living is important.
Why? Because there are real people, friends, out there whose care has carried me. Because I am just too stupid to quit. Because dying is easy and living is hard. Because life is green, and only while I hold out, can that remain.

But now, the things that happen to me daily, it scares me, it breaks me down, sobbing, and then I keep working. I once told Linda that God and I have an arrangement, that as long as I am in pain, God lets me live. I told her that over 10 years ago. Now, I wonder if I am sort of celestial experiment of what can be endured.
I KNOW that others endure these things too, but after a while, they just stop speaking about it. Though I now realize what at least two of my friends deaths were. And I think I know the death of another, that he just stopped fighting that daily fight, nothing deliberate, just worn out. So to take a bobsled down the major hill of town after taking a drink of barbiturates sounds like a pretty good thing. Or to sit somewhere with someone I love seeing what is good and beautiful as the last thing I know,

I am getting a mouth guard, not because of the seizures, but the pain hitting, holding back the pain and keeping on, or just being conscious, so I can keep on, requires a gritting of teeth that chips them, creates cracks in my teeth. Sometimes I think that I am the fourth seal, the pale rider whose name is death, and hell follows me. Everyone assumes that means it goes out to others, but I don’t know, maybe it just describes a person who manages to live with hell, and stay sane. I think some others who have been there know that kind of pain logic.
I am sorry for the bible language, much like The Prisoner in Kafka, this was written into my skin with a pen of steel, over and over.
I asked for hope, for something to keep me going. And now I am going to create it, a picnic in two weeks, I think, a dinner out in three. Let’s all do it together and by the rule of three, one of the actives should be great, right?
We.....I progress into the darkness without caution, without restraint.

I pray, like Samson, blinded, tortured, beyond things like pride and meaning, for the power to lift the world. Samson wanted sheer destruction, while I want to somehow grab hold of the invisible lines of fear, of insecurity, of pain, of despair, of desperation – grab hold of the whole world’s line and lift them, so that millions, tens of millions of people will know what it is like to overcome the fear and will rise up, and things will change.

Hard to imagine that I am bound by frustration and despair.
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