Here's what I been buying, ya'll:

WILSON - I've only just started reading Daniel Clowes (Ghost World, Ice Haven) in the last year, so I showed up in his fan club just in time to grab this new standalone graphic novel (his first to not be a collection from an earlier work) from Drawn & Quarterly! And thanks to a sale at Jim Hanley's Universe, I was able to get it for 40% off, too!

GIRL FUCK - Guide to the sex lives of lesbians by Erika Moen. It caught my eye after I read about it over here.

TEN THOUSAND THINGS TO DO #6 - Finally found the sixth issue of Jesse Recklaw's diary comic after hunting for it the past 3 months!

WALKING DEAD #71 - Kirkman zombies!

INVINCIBLE #71 - The Viltrimite War begins!!!

FCHS - A fairly easy-going high school drama comic, FCHS has a major strength in its distinct art from Rachel Freire. I remember digging the AdHouse Free Comic Book Day single issue of this book in 2009, but after something fell through with AdHouse distributing the book (I'm not sure what happened there since the book is still on their site), FCHS fell off my radar until this morning when I found a digest-sized volume at Hanley's on the shelf published by "FCHS Comix."
Added bonus: While checking out, the nice girl ringing me up, who I recognized from past trips to the shop, politely revealed she was Rachel (!), offered to sign my copy, and said I was the first person she witnessed buying a copy who she didn't already know. I didn't tell her about how her slick, clean art with its impossibly simple sense of space was my favorite part. I'd have been embarrassed.

ORC STAIN #3 - Goblins! It's like someone dropped a rainbow Bomb Pop in the woods and a troop of ants moved in, evolved into humanoid creatures, and started having explosively rockin' adventures!

THE GUILD #2 - Jim Rugg Jim Rugg Jim Rugg!

HELLBOY IN MEXICO #1 - I almost skipped buying this issue and then I betrayed my waller and opened the thing up to see Hellboy fighting a demon Luchadore who looks like this. Sorry, wallet.
As for my Free Comic Book Day 2010 - IT WAS THE BEST EVER. I hit three NYC shops on May 5 (Hanley's, Cosmic Comics, and Forbidden Planet), and got all the FCBD issues I wanted. My girlfriend Sam even got all the ones SHE wanted! And I bought stuffs so as to show my support for the stores! I wish FCBD was quarterly. Yeah, I said it!

MOME 12 & 14 - Thanks to Hanley's month-long anniversary sale of 25% off everything in the store, I'm catching up on Fantagraphic's constantly entertaining anthology starting with vol. 12 and vol. 14.

BOOK OF GRICKLE - Graham Annable is one of my favorite comic creators and, I find, one of the best gateway drugs for bringing friends into comics. I already have the 2 collections this book collects, but having a hardcover that holds all the stories in one place (along with it being 30% off at Cosmic Comics) was too good a deal to pass up. I loaned it to a friend SECONDS after buying it. GO NOW AND GET THIS THING!
The FCBD books I'm most looking forward to sitting and reading (other than THIS, which I read already and loved) are right here:

G.I. JOE #155 1/2 - Oh fuck oh shit oh fuck! This IDW book takes place moments after the end of the original Marvel Joe series (hence the #155 1/2)!

YOW! - It's not so much the content of this issue from Drawn & Quarterly that has me so excited so much as the ad in the back for a collection I had no idea was coming! In Fall 2010, D&Q plans on publishing annuals of Doug Wright's Nipper comic strip series about mid-'60s Canadian middle-class suburban life! That's what I'm talking aboot!

WEATHERCRAFT - I've never read a Jim Woodring comic before. NEVER EVER. I think I'm finally ready for his signature brand of cartoon dementia and absurdity and this free sample is PROBABLY about to set me on a path of Woodring fanaticism. Well played, Fantagraphics.

DOPE FLOUNDER - Sparkplug Comic Books, Teenage Dinosaur, and Tugboat Press team up again for the third in a series of free anthology mini-comics with dope production quality spotlighting up-and-coming talent. Right off the bat, contributors in this issue who caught my attention were Jesse Recklaw (whose mini-diaries I adore) Sean Chistensen (whose Miranda Baby mini-comic I adore), and Nicole Georges (whose diary mini-comic I adore)!
What've you guys been buying?
(Quick disclaimer: I borrow a LOT of stuff from Ben each week from Marvel, so I don't always buy single issues of the Marvel books. And I get everything from DC, WildStorm, Vertigo, and Zuda for free, so I never really buy anything from them unless I'm picking up for somebody else. So don't take my exclusion of DC stuff as a sign that the books aren't good enough to buy. They are. So there.)
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