Dienstag, 5. April 2011

While "Waiting to Happen": Reading Recommendation of the week

Onward! Today I caught up on sleep, and slept in for the first time in several years. I hear that this is common with an increase in pain medication as the fatigue builds up when the pain brings me awake. Also, due to being weak from a long series of seizures on Friday (I think?), where Linda found me fallen on the floor in the study and having seizures. I continued having many more which made the weekend, my ‘rest from the hospital time’ instead a ‘strange bruises and exhaustion from seizures’ time. Also in the final weeks of life, a person sleeps more, but I have decided to go with the ‘fatigue’ theory, and decide that after several years of 'go, go, go', one day of sleeping in is okay, particularly as I couldn’t get up (I was supposed to go to boxing, but was unable).

It feels like life is waiting to happen. My body simply doesn’t have the stamina to cut corners or push myself anymore. Things take how long they take, whether that is 40 minutes to pee, or an hour to eat a meal. And I need to sleep eight full hours and have a 2 hour nap. If I don’t, I simply can’t get up. Plus, cutting corners means my heart fails for the last six hours of the day. I do not recommend this.

In order to have enough energy to keep my heart beating in a way that does not tax or stress my other body functions, I can only do one thing a day. And even then, I can accidentally go over. It is hard to relax.

Saturday I matched postcards, but was unable to stamp them because of some sort of fatigue which occurred (my memory is blurry due to seizures from around then). So I will work on them this week. Did you know that with Linda and Cheryl’s help I did 220 postcards in March? This means more than 6,000 individual postcards have been posted. Many postcards sent this month were from readers who sent in the best (and lest I get attached, out they go again), some were museum quality ones I got from an estate, and some were saved to send and beat back the grey ‘blah’ which exists between winter and before the arrival of spring.
Linda and I have been working on an ebay auction of some of the manga sets as well as Region 2 and 4 DVD’s which will start in auction on Thursday. I hope this will help provide some emergency funds for after April and help me get some supplies in Seattle (as due to a special 'grant a wish', I am going to Sakura-Con, as much as that is possible for me). Though I am still waiting for my celebrity make-a-wish, which was a baby oil massage by Angelina Jolie OR giving corporal punishment to the head of Ex-Gay ministries. I don’t know why he won’t, as it is for a poor dying nun (well, I’ve sex cosplayed a nun), and I’m calling it ‘reparative therapy’. Until then, saving for the Seattle supply run of shopping.Due to a year and a half economizing, there are many things which are needed:

a) haircut – I have my hair in braids all the time due to tangles as I had my hair cut last for last year’s Sakura-con
b) panties – down to three pair, and two are the kind which one is advised not to end up in the hospital in (Go go Victoria Secret!).
c) Socks – two pair, these two pair are gifts from the last time I asked if anyone would make socks for me. I have tried to make them last as long as possible, as I don’t want to have to ask again, but I really, badly need a few new pairs of socks
d) Melon and Lumina soda: this is japanese flavors of soda available at KK, a Japanese store in Seattle. I also get the stickers I send on postcards there.
e) Toothbrushes: something good to have after a year. My bristles are all flat...odd that.f) Sleepshirts – I have three sleepshirts, which are two years old, so I am needing some more, as when I combine hand shaking, neuropathy and food and you can imagine the problems over time.
g) Summer tops – The Edema isn’t going away, so I need a few new tops which are comfortable but also 'cool' saying stuff like: ‘Halfway in the grave, and if you piss me off, I’ll take you with me!’ or ‘Zombie Busker: Brains much appreciated’ ("Zombie Grad Student: REALLY need more brains")
h) Olive Garden: Linda loves the Olive Garden, which is on the way to Sakura-con, and I want to treat her to the lunch buffet ($7.99). She does a LOT for me, so a favorite lunch in a strange and foreign land (Tacoma?) seems a start to the thank you's.
i) Earrings: I seem to have 12 of one earring in a set, where the others have gone off to, I don’t know, I think emo boys keep sneaking into my house and taking them (girls would take both earrings, right?).
j) Hair Conditioner: I have ‘baby fine’ hair due to the Autoimmune disease so I have to use a specific conditioner good for baby fine, with tangles and delicate hair (I make this last by using it once a week and then braiding).
k) Old Navy: Linda has already been working at her part time job for the conservation, weddings and concerts at the Saint Anne’s Academy, which requires her to have some new professional tops, best picked up at Old Navy in Seattle for $5-$12.
l) Red Vines: Sometime during my seizures, I suddenly twigged to needing Red Vine liquorice. Since I don’t get hungry, I assume that the portion where my like of Red Vines lies in my brain got zapped, turning on the idea of a ‘good taste’, though I taste very little at all.
m) Haribo: from the gummy bears, to the balckberry and raspberry gummies, I love the Haribo products, and they are ‘fat free’. And work well as if I don’t eat every few hours a little, I get low blood sugar, also, sugar helps me boost my blood pressure at times when I can’t take another heart pill or caffine.

So, that is part of my big shopping trip, which I am raising funds for by selling DVD’s of military, crime and series from Amazon UK, as well as some rare complete manga sets I have been keeping for reading. There will also be some Graphic Novels, if there is time to prep to sell them, yaoi, action, Viz Signature line.

My reading recommendation this week is Chew: Taster's Choice, which won not only best indie graphic novel for 2008-2009 but also every significant award out there from the Eisner to the Harvey’s. I typically don’t recommend US graphic novels because they aren’t tightly written, mind blowingly good, like this one. The two authors decided to not go the commercial route but write again and again, books until one got published that was so good it immediately went on the New York Times Best Seller list. On Amazon, it has an ‘intro’ price, and is part of the 4 books for the price of 3 offers and can combine with regular fiction, manga or graphic novels, so if you want to try something humorously different with your spring/summer reading, pick up volume 1 of Chew for $7.50. (for those who want some other graphic novels on the 4 books for 3 offer, the Victorian True Crime series might tempt, like The Borden Tragedy: 1892 (Treasury of Victorian Murder (Graphic Novels)))

The tale Chew is of an alternate USA, where SARS spread, making chicken illegal, and poultry the hottest illegal drug out there, with ‘Speakeasy’s’ where chicken can be eaten, and new crime bosses who control the golden nuggets of the east side. And our hero, Tony Chu, works vice, who left drugs for the big bosses, the chicken smugglers. Tony’s brother is a famous chef, who went loco on his TV show one day, ranting about chicken conspiracies, while his partner John believes that all bosses who shout too much are due to pent up mano-a-mano sexual tension (a theory which comes up in stake outs, and John’s bed). Thow in the F.D.A. (now more powerful than homeland security), a Russian Telescope, Arctic Vampires, and a one sided crush between Tony the Cipopath (he connects psychically to what he eats…including victims or perps) and a newspaper food reviewer who can make people taste the food she writes about and you’ve touched the first dozen pages. It’s that tight, well written, and doesn’t say what a picture can tell and vice versa.

For those who enjoy a well crafted non-linear narrative, I recommend finding Lost At Seain your library or from Amazon. It is from Oni press, and is written by the author of the Scott Pilgrim books (or movie if you saw that instead about defeating the ‘evil ex’s’). Lost at Sea is about THAT road trip, the place and space in life, when you are with people, who seem to be bonding, or buddies and you aren’t. Indeed, you are lost at sea and only going because you don’t want to arrive. The book has a non-linear story telling that stays with you, and gives name to that emotion you feel at the end of the day, when you avoid the conclusion that lying in bed offers. It is stark, clean, engaging, and is read with pathos, seeing your emotions or life acted out in the pages of another’s hand.

A thanks to many people over the last three months. To let you know: If you use the Amazon links embedded in the post or wishlist link up on the right, Amazon gives me a gift certificate in 90-110 days with a total of couple percent of total purchase ($14 for example). This month, the first I got a certificate, that meant I got a graphic novel at the end of the month (4 days ago). Thank you everyone very much, I will pass it on as a gift when it arrives and is read. When you use the link, whether it is a gift for me or others, or shopping for you, anything you get from Amazon (for you, for others) for 30 minutes after using the link is credited a couple cents to the future gift card. I only have the Amazon link as I buy from Amazon, they have free shipping, I send Amazon gifts, buy with gift certificates and they have excellent customer service and returns. And this way, you can 'give' a gift to Linda or I if you chose simply by buying through here, or not.

Films and DVD’s next time. I just watched the BBC Sherlock and have a keen desire to a) avoid London traffic and b) see if I can get ‘acute thinking’ with nicotine patches.

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