Sometimes it's new stuff. Sometimes it's old stuff. Sometimes it'll be back issues or the same ol' thing I got 4 weeks ago. Whatever the case is, here's what I got at the shop this week (lemme know if you wanna borrow anything):

MEZCO JASON VOORHEES 3 & 3/4" FIGURE - I've been crushing hard on 3 and 3/4 inch action figure lines (Marvel Universe, DC Crisis) lately and ever since TJ came home from Toy Fair 2009 with a glow-in-the-dark mask variant of this puppy, I've kept my eyes open for the regular line's release. I spotted one at Big Apple Con a couple months back, but the douche retailer was selling them for $35! Luckily at Midtown, they're only $12. Jason'll be sleeping tonight on my bookshelf sandwiched between my Channing Tatum G.I. Joe and my Sam Elliott Golden Compass cowboy.

INVINICIBLE #69 - I needed issue #38, too, but after being out for only a month, Midtown decided to stock it in the back-issue bin at a 50-cent price increase and my good friend Darren backed my move to pass on the inflated purchase. Thinking back, I shoulda just bought it cause I get a discount there as it is, so those guys have saved me money in the past. Christmas time frugal monsterism just took hold when it shouldn't have, and I apologize to those who were caught in the friendly fire. I'll prolly go back tomorrow for 38.
Still, fuck yeah, Kirkman and crew (and maybe especially editor Aubrey Siterson ?) for getting us so many issues so consistantly this year!

CRIMINAL #3 - Sam's been reading Sleeper, so I'm pretty excited for her to check out THIS series from Brubaker & Phillips, too. Darren bought the deluxe hardcover like a champ and that thing is gorgous, btw. It even has the essays found in the first volume's single issues and whenever a hardcover does away with the dustjacket, I'm always a fan - I can't NOT ruin them, so I feel guilty.

DEAD DUCK OGN - I've never heard of this comedy fantasy about what I think is a zombie duck and his bizarre cast of (from what I saw during the flip-thru) hilarious supporting characters. Reminded me of longer form Liberty Meadows but in color with its animated-as-hell aesthetic, and there's a He-Man parody (!), so since I decided not to buy this other OGN that will remain nameless, I went ahead and bought this. Also reminded me of this comic I used to buy in high school, too.

SUB-LIFE VOLUME 2 - Jesus, try and find a prettier comic, I FUCKING dare you! John Pham's one-man anthology was mostly reprints from his Mome contributions when volume 1 dropped last year, but volume 2 is all new content! The front story reminded me of flipping through old galaxy photo-packed encyclopdias when I was in elementary school, and the glossy - in some places foil/in some places ribbed - covers reminded me that COMICS ARE RAD! Ahhh, buy this $8 steal!

ZOMBIES THAT ATE THE WORLD #7 - This actually came out last week, but I couldn't make it to the shop so Darren grabbed it for me and I never wrote about it. For 3 months or so, I've been having a secret affair with Guy Davis's art on BPRD, but I'd started buying this Humanoids import about the undead before I ever read BPRD. It's like I tried a few raspberrry Skittles from a friend at work and then went home only to realize I'd bought a whole thing of Very Berry Skittles a month ago and it's PACKED with raspberry Skittles! Or zombies.

SILVER STREAK COMICS - This is the second issue in the Image series where creators from today take public domain superheroes and tell throwback stories with modern twists. I shunned the first issue, then tried it, then unshunned it and shunned myself for a few days. And hey, this issue has a Paul Grist super-speedster story, so Merry Christmas. This also came out last week, but I missed it.

CROSSED #8 - I'm behind on my reading, so I bought but haven't read the last 7 issues of this Avatar book, though I trust Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows enough that blindly buying a mass serial killer attack series involving their talents is a comfortable move for me.
How about you guys? Get anything good?
(Quick disclaimer: I borrow a LOT of stuff from Ben each week from Marvel, so I don't always buy single issues of the Marvel books. And I get everything from DC, WildStorm, Vertigo, and Zuda for free, so I never really buy anything from them unless I'm picking up for somebody else. So don't take my exclusion of DC stuff as a sign that the books aren't good enough to buy. They are. So there.)
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