Sometimes it's new stuff. Sometimes it's old stuff. Sometimes it'll be back issues or the same ol' thing I got 4 weeks ago. Whatever the case is, here's what I got at the shop this week (lemme know if you wanna borrow anything):

INVINCIBLE PRESENTS ATOM EVE & REX SPLODE #2 - Thank Marmaduke Kirkman and crew let the world have more Invincible every month than just the monthly title. This miniseries just so happens to be by some of my favorite creators - Nate Bellegarde and Benito Cereno - too. Pick up their book Hector Plasm if you ever find it!!

COMIC BOOK COMICS #4 - I snagged the first 2 issues of this book ABOUT comics back at Wizard World Philly this year on the cheap-cheap and then I spotted this guy at the store today. I was gonna pass and try and find it in a quarter bin down the road, but I flipped through and saw a long story about Stan Lee that seemed unafraid to show the blemishes on Lee's career and didn't smooth over the controversies, so I said, "balls it," and grabbed the thing. Plus, a story about Herge!

KING CITY #3 - Brandon Graham's magazine-sized book is one of my favorite reasons to go to the comic shop each month. It's fun and big and vibrant and exciting. I LOVE COMICS!

THE SWORD #20 - The Luna Brothers kidnapped my heart with their pitch-perfect thriller Girls and I'm enjoying this modern-day fantasy epic just as much. Pretty!

THE COMICS JOURNAL #300 - A buddy of mine at work has been giving me his copies of The Comics Journal each month for a while now, but I've been anticipating this final issue packed with interviews for so long that I had to grab it at the store when I spotted it.

SON OF MARVEL READING CHRONOLOGY - Wanna know what order to read Marvel collections in? Boom: get this. Wanna see the rad art that accompanied Sean's Marvel Oral History in a recent issue of Maxim? Boom: get this. Want something free? BOOOOM: get this.
How about you guys? Get anything good?
(Quick disclaimer: I borrow a LOT of stuff from Ben each week from Marvel, so I don't always buy single issues of the Marvel books. And I get everything from DC, WildStorm, Vertigo, and Zuda for free, so I never really buy anything from them unless I'm picking up for somebody else. So don't take my exclusion of DC stuff as a sign that the books aren't good enough to buy. They are. So there.)

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