We are born, thus we die, and there will suffering somewhere in between those two parts. But what details do I talk about, the two weeks of fevers alternated by going into cold shock day after day, having to be wrapped in blankets, the stopping of breathing during each day, and shallow and stopped breathing each night, and waking up with purple fingers. My systems are shutting down, and I sleep a lot. I am less HERE, where-ever here is. Breathing is more difficult as the diaphragm fails, no eating, little drinking, failure or irregular workings of internal organs, spontaneous bruising and hemorrhages, the general withdrawal. That is where I have been this week.
After getting back from boxing Linda said, seeing her caregivers guide to end-of-life in my hands, that I shouldn’t look at that.
“Why, how do you see me?”
She swallows and says, “Palliative. If asked a day or two ago I would have said you have a couple days.”
Yeah, that is kind of how I felt too.
She continued, “But now, with the exercise, longer.”
She hesitated, and I waited to hear ‘months’ or ‘till fall’ or ‘summer’, Linda is the person who breathes for me, and helps me in everything from getting out of bed when too weak to do anything but wait for her to come home (as has been recently). She checks my breathing, she starts me up again if I stop, and this week cames home at lunch to make sure I haven’t died while she was at work. I was breathing so shallow she couldn’t hear me at all until she was right over my head.
Still, she is the optimist, she is the one who wants me to hang around no matter how bad it gets. She continued, “With the exercise....weeks.”
Well that sucks.
I have enough consciousness now with endorphins to remember that being okay with dying is not supposed to be fine, particularly when not that depressed. But that is where I am, and have been When I just sit and stare out trying to breath (yes, oxygen can be very demanding of attention), or cleaning up with help and putting post it notes with people’s name on things. This are the chores of dying.
I had an annoying worker. So I told her to leave. Dying takes all my energy, doing anything or being with Linda is more important. I don't have the time for her. I miscalculated and had a phone call and talked 45 minutes. I immediately passed out after that and stopped breathing. It took three hours for my body to recover from that 45 minutes, strong enough to speak (slurred) and eat a little.
No, this isn’t how it supposed to go, I’m the heroine of this film and how can the film go on if I am not onstage.
Today I fought hard against the desire to sleep or just lower my head and stop breathing (the irony is that my body, due to the nature of my disease will continue to look okay, and have ‘good skin’, right up to being dead), in order to get ready for boxing. No energy to put on foundation…ah, this stuff is a feminist plot against the fatigued!
Once more at spinning the revolver and pulling the trigger. Sweat or die, or die trying to sweat. Boxing is two-fold, to get back in shape as quickly as possible and to sweat as much as possible by exercising to and beyond the limits. If a phone call can make me unconscious, and I am living off endorphin fumes now, I wonder what I will like tomorrow? But I really gave it everything, starting off with sit ups (about 130 in total) and push ups (somewhere over 100).

I didn’t care about tomorrow or tonight, only now and that I believe this was a way to extend my life. So I boxed the heavy bag as if my life depended on it.

Linda said I boxed with a face that she had only seen on characters in movies before they are to run down a hill into battle and certain death, “AHHHHHHHHH!” I didn’t scream but I was, very, intense.

Boxing and Epee are sort of similar in that you need to be in a relaxed state with your arms, in the beta zone, but with instant focus and then action. I was rusty, and dropped my right hand a lot. The coach for the night said he would spar with me. He put in his mouth guard saying to Linda, “I know her.”
Most of these moves occur in less than a second, the trick is to move your arms with enough strength to block a hit but to move your other arm with precision and force to the target. I tend to focus on gut/heart hits and head hits. So here you can see that he threw a hook to the side of my head, which I block.

Here you can see the coach planting a jab on my defense,

In this last exchange I have seen a chance at a hook, and extend, with my right,

But all of this happens very quickly (micro seconds to a second). Here is a video of a few seconds to show you how the better you get, the less you AND your opponent get hit, since you are always practicing defense, the relax and focus and looking for opportunities. There is practice but little violence here.
I continued on, for 90+ minutes and when they called break I shadow boxed, or worked on. What if I was too weak to come again? This was it.
I got back home and the workout had made me sweat and restarted my intestines, which along with my colon had stopped the start of the week. So I am back, EFM lite.
The thing is I don’t know what I want, what I am fighting for, I wish I did. I wish I had a vision, a giant vision and that I could take everyone along for the ride, for the joy of it.

It seems I am supposed to relax, rest, and remember the good times, the seeing of fireflies, to try to recapture those memories.

See, I played double bass, which has exactly the same stringing as the bass, and yeah, I’m her, the girl in the picture,

Linda’s co-worker mentioned something about how she should tell me not to ‘go to the light’ and Linda told her casually how it was green really. What!? Linda told her that sometimes there is a party I have to go to or I say, “Let me go, let me go, they are calling for me.” And how one time there was an ice skating party (I don’t remember this at all). This freaked out the worker. Guess Linda is beyond the veil what is typical too.
Maybe I will die, and yes, I am more withdrawn now,

Pain sucks, so does, knowing that I will be alone for a international holiday of getting together with friends and family. So I have another holiday, December 6th is Canada’s National Remembrance and day against violence against women.

If I die now, or in the next days or week or two then let me found both doing and being: being with Linda, being where the joy is, being in the NOW.

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