* Finally got a chance to start reading Mike Dawson's scout-themed story Troop 142. As someone who was in scouting for over 14 years from Tiger Cubs right on up through being an Assistant Scoutmaster, so far it's been striking me as a rare honest look at what the camping experience can be for kids in that program. Not to be missed.
* Dave sent me a link to Sam Hiti's new web comic "Death-Day." Crazy so far with the kind of straight sci-fi setting you don't get to see a solo cartoonist do that much often for whatever reason. [NOTE: it was too hard to nab an image for me on a lazy Friday afternoon, but just click through, dammit!....EDITED TO ADD: Ha! the link was broken at first and I yelled at all of you to click. I'm sorry.]

* Ed Brubaker pointed out this Drew Weing's "Pup" which made me wonder why I don't search for web comics by guys I've bought minis from more often.
* In other news, I'm probably not going to be linking to a lot of "Best of the Year" lists because trying to keep up with all of them is a suckers game, but two I will draw attention to are Douglas Wolk's general list and the Good Comics For Kids Best Of List for the youngsters. Particularly, Douglas' top spot for You'll Never Know, Book 1: A Good and Decent Man caught me off guard as it's a book I haven't read and made no real impression on me when it made it's brief "this is out now" appearance in the comics news cycle.
* A lot of people linked to this story on "The Rise And Fall of MySpace," and I'm not sure I have anything smart to add, but the one thing about it that really cracked me up was when the author was talking about how "Web 2.0" was all the rage amongst business people trying to get online in 2004. And it didn't occur to me until he wrote that that people don't say that shit anymore. "Web 2.0." Jesus.
* Back to comics: Dave Press forwarded me this link on "How Comics Came Part of the Literary Establishment." As usual, don't take my linking to it as an endorsement of its ideas.
* I will, however, totally endorse Will Pfeifer's review of The Batcave Companion because it's pretty funny. Someone hire Will to write more comics!

* New blog for book-marking: The Black Superhero Blog.
* I'm going to go see the Flaming Lips now with Jimi Bleicher now, so I don't have time to give proper context to all the interesting articles on crime fiction Alex Segura had up this week, so I'm just going to trust you to click through here, here and here.
* Also from Alex: Wrap your week with a great cat video:
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