Sometimes it's new stuff. Sometimes it's old stuff. Sometimes it'll be back issues or the same ol' thing I got 4 weeks ago. Whatever the case is, here's what I got at the shop this week (lemme know if you wanna borrow anything):

PUNISHER MAX #2 - I should prolly wait for the trade on this bastard, but I can't help grabbing a new Steve Dillon Punisher comic. His run with Ennis back in the early 00s CHANGED me. And I still haven't read ALL of Preacher...

DODGEM LOGIC #1 - Alan Moore came out with a magazine. Dod you know that? I kinda did. And at 4 bucks, I didn't mind trying it out. There's a CD inside, too. Just a weirdo thing I couldn't resist!

RUE MORGUE #96 - My first issue of Rue Morgue! I'm a big supporter of Horrorhound, but this issue has a special section on VHS stuff, and since I passed on picking up Portable Grindhouse in the store (I'm gonna order if from Amazon this evening, prolly), I had VHS in mind. Plus: an article on Squirrel Machine!

WALKING DEAD #68 - I used to have a hookup on this series, but ever since it dried up I've been happy to grab the single issues. I'll eventually trade up for the over-sized hardcovers, but these single issues heighten the serial comic cliffhanger to new levels.
How about you guys? Get anything good?
(Quick disclaimer: I borrow a LOT of stuff from Ben each week from Marvel, so I don't always buy single issues of the Marvel books. And I get everything from DC, WildStorm, Vertigo, and Zuda for free, so I never really buy anything from them unless I'm picking up for somebody else. So don't take my exclusion of DC stuff as a sign that the books aren't good enough to buy. They are. So there.)
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