Female equality means masturbation and orgasms, because though 50% of women report feeling guilt over masturbating, while the Surgeon General was fired 15 years ago by suggesting masturbation was okay to do

So with Xmas coming, snow falling, people driving erratic and competitive, weather making joints ache, relatives and others making the head and shoulders ache, and all the worries of getting everything done, and ready in time doesn’t a bit of ‘Incredible’ and ‘Euphoric’ sound good? Best of all, it’s not just free, it is good for you and what ails you! And women have five different types of orgasms.

An study found that an orgasm can relieve the pain of 47.4% of women having a migraine (Evans & Couch, 2001). Not only does orgasm relieve the pain faster than any medication but the largest group in the study found it relieved ALL migraine pain.
Plus, the Royal Edinburgh Hospital found that for women 40+ who had one or two orgasms looked on average at least 10 years younger.

We know that female masturbation and sex can help with insomnia, by creating a cardio experience followed by relaxation of muscles and endorphins,

But with so few studies on female masturbation benefits, word of mouth often precedes the ‘science’, and studies of masturbation and sex benefits for women with disabilities or illness are few if any. For example in 2009, the National Institute of Health invested only 2/10th of 1%: $65 million for ANY studies on the top six chronic pain conditions: chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis, temporomandibular (TMJ) disorders and vulvodynia. And sex research didn't make the list. You can compare that amount to the 1.7 billion spent on research regarding drug abuse. While socially we are taught that women suffer, and should do so in silence. But that’s not equality, or even good science, but lack of research and indifference.
What exactly does this have to do with me? Well, I have been studying using mental stimulation and secondary erogenous zones in regards to masturbation, sex and female neuropathy. You may remember my post Swimming with Dolphins: a disabled girls guide to vibrators. That was for fatigue chronic conditions and masturbation.
But now that I have significant decreased sensation I want to find out if masturbation has relaxation and pain reduction benefits in clitoral/vaginal but also for those with very limited or no sensation. The Christopher Reeve foundation has done some limited research on this, but focusing on traditional sexuality expectations (sex with a partner, a heterosexual ‘vanilla’ experience and vaginal/pelvic sensations). They do have anecdotes about the ‘“phantom orgasm," through reassignment of sexual response to areas of the body unaffected by the injury. This is described as a pleasurable, fantasized orgasm that mentally intensifies an existing sensation.’
The reality is less women with long term chronic conditions/SCI’s and illness are going to have sexual partners. The typical sexual hetero experience, or waiting for one isn’t always or often enough to bring sexual pleasure equality to disabled females. What they describe as ‘phantom orgasm’ is pretty much what I have been and am trying to experiment with: masturbation using mental stimulation for arousal

I have had success (repeated success!) with mental stimulation (books primarily)

I was approached by a sexual aid company as I have been before to see if I wanted to test and or review their products. I explained that I was only interested in regards to disability related masturbation or couples play, using ‘above the waist’ items. I was offered ball gags and nipple clamps. I explained that ball gags for people with decreased breathing capacity (like me) and as masturbation aid, I couldn’t see it as an easy choice. There was the same with the problems of neuropathy and nipple clamps (my skin tears easier, but I can’t feel it tearing, see the problem!), although the feather stimulation clamps were something to consider later (that would be Linda's eyes bugging out reading this).

We found common ground with a warming, stimulation breast massage gel. They have sent the product and I will try and report on how using primary mental stimulation to arouse the breasts, then application with the gel, if this make this a good product for disabled women to masturbate:

But beyond recommending masturbating (it’s good for you!), if anyone has already found techniques that work particularly with fatigue, limited mobility or neuropathy or with your female pain or disability condition be it chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, EDS (are dislocations a problem when masturbating?), MS and others.
Okay, that was supposed to be short and funny but ended with factual and focused.

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