Donnerstag, 18. März 2010

Some training, some static during our broadcast....cue screen card and music

I apologize for this rather crap post which will be interesting soon. Or rather is not interesting because of having to go to Queen Alexandra and all that happened there and then how things went really left turn, and now not so good, if radiating pains from the heart across the back is to be believed. Bah, until I shee a hand shrivel….oh crap, and it is right hand too. Ah, I will be away tomorrow and one of several locations, um, bed, hospital or up at the Y trying to sweat because…..I was too ill on Monday – not at ALL like today, no, I am just the picture of perfect health, or would be if I was strong enough to move my head from where it has fallen on my shoulder. Actually that is an interesting way to view the world…..ahhhhk, oh my GOD! Sorry, that was my heart, I think the man with the big reaper is using it as my door knocker – yes, I am paying attention!

Oh, I went for a wheel, two going out today which I shall count as training. One was looking for Linda who claims she was not lost at all, and she is probably right, when it comes to time and places, I am sure to be wrong. I have spent a great deal of time today thinking about all the people I know and the people and lives they had, if they have a chronic condition, before that, the person they thought they would be, saw themselves as. Sometimes down here in disability world, it is too easy to pigeon hole someone into a disease, I know I do because I had it done to me over and over yesterday and realized that no one could either see me NOW, nor could they see the same ‘me’ that walked around before. And how that ‘me’ from before had all these dreams and plans that are still embedded, however unrealistic.

I hope I get back to put up the picture of the woodpecker. I have a manga on the wishlist I will get, Loudest Whisper 2 which is all about the sharing of a fantasy, and I will get that as it seems sharing fantasies is in many ways one of the most intimate acts. Yes heart. Lie down, stage right.

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