Monday, after waking, with Cheryl gone, Linda was on disability (the three musketeers)

This (again) did not please Linda’s doctor, who talked to a doctor at PSA who seemed to be the head medically at Occupational Heath (the section of the Government which deals with illness and disability and medical confidentiality for ALL of the government agencies for BC). They discussed the diagnosis and came up with a staged care plan. When informed about the supervisor and the letter, the doctor for Occupational Health seemed a little, um, confused (pissed?), and left or sent a message to supervisor saying something like, “I, the provincial head of disability assessment say Linda is disabled, her doctor says she is disabled; why do you need ANOTHER doctor exactly?”
Since the supervisor told Linda she was better (though according to the part of government that determines disability she was disabled), and to start back to work on Monday, a message was sent asking to her supervisor to please provide details of the independent doctor appointment before the close of Friday work day. I mean, if Linda is determined healthy and to go back to work, in order to examine the disability, the independent doctor would need to examine her while the disability/illness existed, right?
Okay, you may be wondering WHY I am going on about this. I mean, Linda works for a genuine government ministry, not for individual people who spend their time and the government’s time (during an election year), getting people from OTHER ministries to waste time and wasting money on couriers only in attempts to dominate, blackmail, control or otherwise harass a person who made a complain OF harassment and discrimination weeks to months ago? Right? That would be, well, meglo-maniacal (I guess I should tell you that Linda’s supervisor and probably HER supervisors are reading this blog). So IF they ARE reading, a person with a meglo-maniacal complex believes that any action they take, regardless of law, is justified and that they themselves will be exempt. And that the more a person keeps saying, “No” the further and more extreme the behavior: for instance, instead of say, saying to Linda, “Why not work back the time you have to spend in the hospital with Elizabeth, I was wrong about that.” They send the police over claiming the person in the wheelchair is a PHYSICAL threat (EFM as tranforming magical assassin girl!)

I learned during Police interview and discussion during their threat assessment of me, that her supervisor’s name (the person I am supposedly attacking) is Annette Wesley (you can google her and find out that her email is – do a Canada only search and you can get her phone number too!).
Well, it seems that SOMEONE went through my blog specifically looking for ways to attack Linda or me or both. Now whether that was the investigator, illegally hired, to collector information from Linda (medically deemed inappropriate by BOTH doctors!), an investigator who freelances for government high management to negotiate with unions by the way (so no bias at all between the big bosses and the person doing the complaint) or Annette I don’t know. What I do know is that when the Friday deadline passed and Linda was officially labeled from PSA as disabled (which is bad enough, to have to FIGHT to be sick, worse!)

This is what the police told me on the phone on their way over to see me. I tried to explain that a) there is a thing called sarcasm and Linda never said that, b) I am housebound, c) I am on oxygen and d) were they going to visit Stephen Hawkins after me to follow up on other potential threats.

Someone trolled my blog and found a phrase in the November 15th post on my guilt about being alive when it is so costly for Linda.
“They (her supervisor, and the head of a government ministry department) are of course, threatening her job because without the insurance, there is no way we could afford a week much less months of the cost of well….Me (or the costs of modern medicine). And there are no other current options (to medically house me) in Victoria.
So that is where things are today. Because I have stamps I have been sent and postcards, I am doing postcards tonight. Because while things seem helpless financially, and I am helpless physically, I can still do things and try to make a difference. Plus Linda made me promise not to kill her supervisor. That doesn’t stop the guilt and emotional pain I feel, every time I am handed my BOWL of pills, looking down into what may be keeping me going, but at what cost to Linda? All the money for Seattle, and the concentrator that was donated, I asked Linda to return when I believed I was going to die like within a few days.”
Yes, that is the section, which determined that high members of BC government were at risk, I SHIT YOU NOT! Of course, the unnamed person (we will get the file in about two weeks), decided to only pass on this part of a 2,600 word post: “Linda made me promise not to kill her supervisor.” That line was given from some person (*cough*the cowardly weasels that pass for high management at Linda’s building*cough*), to Corporate Security Office (which means they have been in government long enough to KNOW about that section, which Linda didn’t, nor do most workers), who gave it to the Police. And now the police were coming to see me. In two cars. My care-worker was here. The police were in my apartment, cars out front, and my building manager Fran (the one who leaves nails up in front of my door!) was going crazy trying to find out what was happening.
What happened is that the Constable in charge, who quite honestly not only fills up a room, a couch, and probably a car, but is not a person you would want to bring to ire (or have subdue you!), Constable Reasonable said that his job is to fill out the report and not do things that bring heat down from above (like from his boss). I said, actually I kind of LIKE going after those who send police to my apartment (when I take off the glasses, watch out!)

Linda had carried me into a chair for the interview and I was on oxygen. I asked him, if he seriously thought that a woman whose last name I didn’t even know; who I don’t know where she lives and I can’t GET to the government building (key coded) without passing out, is in THREAT from me. He looked at Constable Onlooking (who was big but at least not as big as to pick up a human head in a hand like a basketball!), and in conversation it was determined that even a reasonable person took JUST the sentence before it, that line would CLEARLY indicate that is was a joke and taken out of context. Was that deliberate, should I counter-charge for wasting police time? “No-no!” Constable Reasonable asked making hand gestures, since these are the sorts of things that bring him heat. He and the other Constable were also rather shocked that I had previously called watch-commanders (Hey, when the police won’t come, go to the top and find out if it is OFFICIAL policy!). They said that they recognized I had disabilities but that I could also be, um, formidable.

Also, they said I did NOT have to change a word of my blog since this is Canada (free speech!) and the context makes it clear it is humor! For instance, if I write that I am not going out today because I hear the Pope is visiting and he always runs down people after a bit too much of that sacramental wine; I am NOT (I hope) going to be visited AGAIN because I am withholding information on a drunk driving offence (relating to the Pope!).
The Constables said that I should be aware that certain people are reading my blog(People I think who should be, you know, asking LINDA how to get rid of what is now evidently a rampant departmental upper management bias, discrimination (illegal both federally and provincially!), and harassment due to disability and orientation – my suggestion is to do as with doctors who offend – fire them and list all of their cited offenses so all potential employers can know what type of people they are – with pictures!). And that I should tread lightly.
But also that the assessment was to determine if ‘someone else would carry out the threat on my behalf.’ I asked them if it seemed a large criminal element came to visit me while housebound? They said no, but it was a public blog and I guess you, the readers, those with chronic fatigue and the people in wheelchairs could all band together to form a disability lynch party (sorry, along with the organists and knitters!). The power of blogging is a strange thing when Police are seriously IN YOUR HOME to assess your level as a cult leader (see my army and tremble!)

So that was a great deal of the Monday, that and telling Cheryl I was a terrorist (tip to self: try NOT to call US government employee on government line and start with the phrase, “Hey, this is your terrorist friend calling!”). And the fun I have in toying with Fran with why police are visiting me, “Interviewing me on a death threat” was suggested, so that she thinks people are trying to kill me and becomes a nervous wreck.
I did ensure that in the report, I was the person listed as the “person of contact” (or suspect or whatever), and Linda was listed as “other” so that they cannot say that she threatened her boss or any garbage like that. I also think that whoever did this, was VERY, VERY stupid. Because Linda cannot talk about her complaint, and I cannot seek or disclose any information from Linda due to her work as she has signed a loyalty oath to not commit treason OR mutiny (I know, the fun from Government work is GONE!). When a courier delivers a letter to your home though! However, when police question you, in your home, none of the information is confidential. Reasons explained to the police due to questions are no longer confidential, the name of Linda’s supervisor is not confidential because it came out from questioning over who it was I was supposed to be killing (I didn’t know her last name….until now!).
In fact, I was wondering if that nice woman who liked me so much for the BBC interviews down at the CBC would be interested in a pre-election story on how I am, yes, in a wheelchair and with a muscular, vascular degenerative disease, BUT ALSO a suspected potential assassin or current cult leader by Linda’s employers. Because as was pointed out repeatedly, if the previous sentence in the post or any aspect of context had been given, this would not have gone to the police. And that apparently harassing the severely ill and disabled spouse of a disabled government manager by TWO government agencies (we were told several email were involved) is the best use of government resources and salaries.
All that aside. Woo hoo! I mean, during last years' Xmas party Annette SAW me have half my face slide towards the floor and have to be fed by Linda. But NOW, a year later she is concerned about her personal safety from me. Errrr….yeah, we disabled are BAD, (EFM is so bad, she wears gloves so as not to get blood stains on her hands!)

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