In the end, with all the new names coming in (58 in one 24 hours period), and with the people from our previous list I wanted to do as well, we did 81 postcards;

This time of year is difficult for many people, we can feel a bit like this, alone in a town, where everyone else has homes or friends or family and we are just, out there, alone.

Now, of the people who sent emails for postcards, there was a significant percentage who felt this was a total scam, and acted like royal jerks. Some deliberately insulted, some refused to give any name to address the postcard, some refused to give any details, some were abusive: I was a scam artist, I was a twist on the 14 million dollars to give you from Africa (if only you give me your bank details and name and address), or I was going to sell them Viagra. Not ONE of these was left behind, these were the people who I stayed up until 7:00 am, who I groaned in pain over. Why? Because these were the people more than any that needed to believe. No, not in Santa Claus, but in the idea that people could act for other reasons than to hurt, to exploit, to swindle, to deceive. I am fragile now physically,

It is, I have found, quite hard to help. A friend of mine tried to put on a dinner for the homeless a few weeks ago but found that not a SINGLE church would let them use any areas. The friend said it was different than last year, like the patience or the caring had run out. She pressed on and found a place. But I know from myself, and from times when I have wanted to help how hard it is sometimes to get into it. There are many organizations created to help, or to assist ‘certain people’ in ‘certain ways.’ But after creation and bylaws and rules and people deciding who is the "right" certain people, groups aren’t always there to help EVERY person, and it can be hard to break through with, “But I just want to make this situation better!”

I got an email today which told me that a group that I joined as a disabled person had without my consent withheld my membership for over six months and now I was being given notice to decide if I ‘really’ wanted to be a member. The person who made that decision was AB. I paid money, but it had been kept (unknown by me) and now, the AB section wanted to know if I was REALLY ready to make that commitment. It was a membership which would have automatically entitled me to two other memberships, and grants and assisted funding I was told. And this was kept from me…..because I was being ‘helped’ by having a ‘trial’ period without knowing it. So I can easily understand how hard it can be to fight through for my friend to give food to someone homeless.
I did not want a single one of those 81 people (a new record which will NOT be broken, since I am currently a bit broken and can’t speak correctly; I had a TIA and kept on anyway) to have to be told or decided, ‘not enough for you.’ I fought for them, as I could. And I got more names already to work on. Please remember this week that there are students who are heading home for the ‘holidays’ which might be great and might not,

Okay, on to lighter topics, which is cat girls! The other day some people wanted to know what I thought they might look like as a Cat Girl, so here they are:

And here is my welcome to winter and probably a UK or Euro Catgirl,

I wanted to just say again about David and his work to help the cats of Kyoto. He estimates that “I'm sure with our work this year we have prevented births of 1000s of kittens who would have been homeless” not only through adoption but his catch, neuter and release program. I am sure that without David there would be many more kittens who died, without protection, without food or simply dumped. He has a page which lists ways to help, from a donation (you can even sponsor a specific cat), to helping translate (English to Japanese or back), to buying a T-shirt, sending cat toys, or cat food.
I mention the cat site because it is easy to say, “let’s save all the homeless first” and as a person who was homeless three times in my life, I sure wished someone had saved me! But that is a complicated issue, and while we work on that, there is no reason not to love cats. I do, and David does, out of his own house and pocket, and time is how he loves them. Maybe I should be giving food instead of postcards but postcards are what I know so that is what I give. David learned about the Postcard Project and has already donated postcards and is, beyond his OWN Japan Cat Project, collecting postcards for the Postcard Project too. So can I ask that if you chose to donate, whether it be a cat toy, or to buy a t-shirt, can you let him know that Elizabeth from the Postcard Project told you about him (as he has a hard time tracking all the people). I ask this because I said how much a difference my readers have made on me. And I want him to remember you too. He and I have been emailing so I think if you mention me, he will remember. And maybe you and he can email? I don’t know, but I want him to know that you are the type of person who makes a difference in people’s lives (at the very least mine and his).
I have to go now, and try to rest. But this is me again as a cat girl (the non-neurotic kind),

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