I said I would start posting pictures of me again. So here is one.
It is not the best picture of me, but it is an accurate picture, except I have dressed up, I am looking ‘My Best.’ But you can also see how Linda and others pick me up with such ease. I am thin. My arm warmers hide how thin my arms are as you can virtually SEE the radius and the ulna arm bones through the skin. My torso has shrunk, I am wearing a large junior miss corset from Hot topic (nice, huh!). I have gone from large to small/xtra-small in panties. I am going to have to buy new jeans again, because I may be a 6 now. I am still smiling, but I am ill, and I am thin.
This is from less than 18 months ago. I am in a wheelchair and have lost a lot of the muscle from competitive training for epee. I am wearing black to make me look ‘slim’ as I feel self conscious about being so big, having such large thighs and arm muscles. I have a slight pot I am hiding. Look at my face, my hair, my skull, my eyes, my torso, my breasts and look at the first picture. Compare the two. Doctors won't act because they don't have enough evidence, or they don't know what to do. Doctors accuse me of being lazy, of having a mental condition. I eat more in the top picture, than the second. Look at them. There is something VERY wrong.
Here I am; TAB (temporarily able bodied) at just over two years ago
before I began my several month intensive training for the Nationals where I gained almost 30 pounds of muscle. I liked putting streaks in my hair then. I had a pot because I was only training 5-6 hours a week. There is the same smile with a bit of impishness in it. The post below: Multiple System Failure, is important, because it explains what is happening to me.
I did 40 postcards, and they were sent today. There is a new post up at the Postcard Project too. Cheers!
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