Linda worked with me today to try and create an Amazon wish-list. It was our day to use up old gifts. She had a gift for a pedicure at the most posh place in town and off she went. I stayed and realized that many people would not feel comfortable buying gender bending or yuri (girl/girl) love manga so I did not put them on the wish list but used up an old Amazon.ca gift certificate. Afterward, we worked for five hour and a partial Amazon.com list which we will add to, and make one for Amazon.uk, and sources for the best rubber stamps we use on the Postcard Project (places that take Paypal!). Certain stamp companies, like the Old Island Stamp Company (available only in Canada, will set that up later!), and Stamp Oasis are high quality and give the best images. For someone with limited strength, with varying hand strength and poor hand control, getting it right easily matters. Also because we have all types of paper from the high gloss of some Japanese postcards, to thick paper stock. Linda made a blog post about her day, with the links to all the places we sourced.
The whole thing has a feeling of ‘too organized, too late’ to me, but it helps me stay focused. And for people who feel helpless, maybe it can help them and us, knowing that for a few dollars they can follow the gift list and give Linda an afternoon of mindless reading of a romance (she likes the ones with strong women).
I apologize if I upset you when I said things in the comments section of Thin that offended you. This is the truth; I look very sick. I was prepared to deal with talking about it, about death, and pain. I found out that people cared about me, and like me, seeing Linda or Cheryl sick, wanted to cheer me up or make some suggestions, any suggestions. Because they weren’t ready to talk about how sick I was. While someone saying, "You look like you have leukemia!” wouldn’t have offended me, people talking about my smile made me think they were deliberately hurting me. I now understand that means they care, and are scared. And I understand that, I get scared…a lot. I’d like to not be scared for a while. I understand your comments now, and I hope you can understand mine and we both forgive each other.
Tomorrow I have to be up for a series of physically brutal medical tests. The first one, if successful, will induce a grand mal seizure. They will keep trying for over an hour. Fun. After that I get electricity run through me. This affects my hearts ability to beat. It shocks my whole system, I can’t get my hand to hit the light switch for love or money. It will be about five hours in all and I don’t know how to do it.

When I was a child, I thought as a child. And when I grew up I believed in things like “Doing what is best for all or the company is better than being a hypocrite and lying to suck up.” And I thought I would be rewarded. I said to myself, “I did things right.” And somewhere at the end of doing things ‘right’, I had my book being published, I had finished all my degrees, and I had a little time and I had sold my business and I decided to do something for me. Epee: I chose pain, I chose joy, I chose frustration and little moments of fury, mostly at myself for falling for an epee move I should have seen coming. I did something for me. And Linda supported me, what a gift that was. I had originally thought to go into car racing

Then I fell down. And what I didn’t realize was that the spring and summer of that year, even with 22 appointments in June were the ‘good days.’ Because I still had Linda and I still options, and the flexibility of a body with reserves. We don’t understand what we have until it is taken away. We don’t understand what is worth fighting for until we have to CHOOSE to fight for it. Now, no longer the protestor, the advocate, the one to stand UP against bullies, I have a choice to make. What DO I fight for? What is worth fighting for?
It isn’t enough for me to be alive. It isn’t enough that Linda supports me, and I support her. If I WANT quality of life with her, I need to fight for it. This quality of life with Linda is what I want.

If I want joy, if I want moments of happiness, they are not, going to just arrive. If I want to be joyous and share that with Linda then I need to plan, to take pain meds, to rest, to relax, to FIGHT for that. Only then will this emerge.

There are some things that cannot be ignored.

I was born to Try.
Will I be able to put down my cross? No, probably not in time, in the same ways the cuts on my arms will not heal, I will self harm again.

This world will be better, and I will not live in vain. Dying is inevitable for all of us, but how do we live? I want to fight for how I live. Live so that my hours have meaning. Live, some days, by simply going on, by doing the dance as best as I can. And for those who only are motivated by not what can be; the impossible dream; but by what might befall them. Do you think that losing a body will stop me? This is EFM part II, and like Job said, “I believe my redeemer cometh” (a redeemer was the person who would set things right). Look upon this and remember.

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