Mittwoch, 1. September 2010

The sites I saw, the yum she had.

Today’s blog post has been delayed on account of biblical plagues: visited upon me. The show goes on, however. I want to dedicate today’s post to Linda's unusual way of remembering our trips; Munich’s wheat beer and dumpf Noodle, Berlin’s Chocolate Nuttella on crepes, and Venice’s roasted cashews. Then there is Kyoto’s Korean BBQ, and Linda love of Tokyo’s snack pancakes with fillings on the way to Shinjinku station. And, of course, the soup halfway up from the 14th century bridge in Prague, as well as her delight in the alcoholic slushie bar in New Orleans’ French Quarter and my trying to explain that a “B-52 Bomber” really WAS more than just a name for a drink. For all the cities and the theme that seems to emerge from how you remember them, this one is for you…

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