As I've mentioned in the past, having the world's foremost/only sketchbook devoted solely to Nova the Human Rocket has its perks, not the least of which is talented dudes (and ladies...?) offering to draw the greatest character in the history of ever for you.
Today's sketch comes from CKT commenter and FOTPF (Friend of the Purdin Family) Mike Hall, who was awesome enough to volunteer his considerable talents towards this beauty...

Mike's Nova echoes some of the seminal artists to work on the character to me, though I'm not sure if that was intentional or just rad. I see a bit of Darick Robertson in the face and helmet as well as some Chris Marrinan and even Richard Pace in the sharp angular approach to some of the outline. I really dig the precision Mike put into the starbursts on the chest and stomach as well as how he clearly had some fun doing the energy effects (and check out that great shading).
And of course Mike knows how to bring out the big crowd-pleaser in the form of that quintessential Nova stubble--love it.
Thanks so much, Mike--and anybody else out there who wants to draw Nova, I'm not gonna stop you!
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