* So these aren't really links, but how could I not start this week with pics of our buddy Eric Drumm and his lovely lady dressed up as Jesse and Tulip from Preacher for Halloween??? Drumm wasn't the only member of our extended crew to have rad costumes this year, but he was the only to send his photos specifically for the blog, so you'll have to click through for pics of Captain Kirk, Batwoman, Scott McCloud and the Goddamn Moon!
* Alex Segura found this hilarious 2012/Raising Arizona mashp-up.
* Also from Alex: This crime books blog project seems pretty cool if you've got the time to wade through and then buy some of the books.
* Random Social Media Link #1: LinkedIn is getting a redesign. Does that mean I'll start using it again?
* Random Social Media Link #2: The demigraphics breakdown between MySpace and Facebook is a little sad.

* This gallery of Iron Giant design sheets is pretty bad ass.
* As is the fact that Africa and South America make a T-Rex.
* Via Roger Ebert: a killer video of images from "The Rumble In The Jungle."
* Speaking of awesome videos, Jah Furry posted this link to a promo video my favorite band Phish released which mashes up a shitload of old school albums that may or may not have been contenders for this year's "musical costume" for their Halloween show. In case you're curious, they ended up going as this.
* I really dug this post on how manga is serialized in Japan and how if affects long terms stories and the careers of the artists.
* Zach Oat found a list of The 15 Top Time Travel Movies Ever, and I think it's pretty great even though they kick off with a Napoleon Dynamite reference. That movie just wasn't good, you guys.
* Finally, my new favorite phrase is "Plot Coupon."
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