Thanks to some wack-on-the-head advice I realized that I had be remiss in the caring and loving outside of the care-giving and receiving aspects for a while. So I took Linda to get her OWN plushie (After all she did get me Eiki-Eiki (the rabbit) and someone got me Pounce and a friend got me Rabid, that squirrel I have in the study). So we looked online and we looked in the store and she found the right animal and then the right type of face, not the dim, “I’ve just been hit by a frying pan” type of stuffie face. Then there was the child (as some stuffies even come with magnets in the mouth to carry the young around, but Polar Bears don’t do that, the young follow or hang on the body). Linda was pleased, I think we were all pleased!

Afterwards we took a visit to the RSPCA cat shelter and Cheryl found this beautiful and loving cat named TJ, who had one eye.

After that will have to be another blog, I need to do postcards! But we did come home and Linda took the rest of the day and evening off, having dinner out and a movie among other things (which she can tell you if she wants), having a REAL care giver rest while Cheryl did a great job taking care of me. Worked out well all around.
I’ll let you know when our new additions have names. I thing something cuddly like, “ThroatSlasher”, or “Ripper” is nice. Linda says that is not the type of cuddly she wants.
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